Senate Information
The University Academic Senate (UAS) is the highest faculty governance body. It has the authority to deal with any academic issue or faculty concern. It makes recommendations to the Provost and/or President regarding such matters as curriculum, the academic organization of the university, faculty personnel policy, the budget, and other issues considered relevant to academic affairs.
The Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) serves as the clearing house for matters to be presented to the UAS. Such matters are discussed by ECS before its recommendations are made to the Senate. Its powers and duties include preparing the agenda for UAS, acting for UAS, receiving reports from the standing committees of UAS, nominating members for all committees, task forces, and boards elected by UAS, determining the number and distribution of UAS members, providing advice and counsel to the administration, arranging faculty forums, and deciding the matters that should be reviewed by the various branches of faculty governance.
UAS / ECS Chair and Vice-Chair Responsibilities
The Senate Schedule for 2024-25 is posted on the Faculty Governance website.