GVSU Electronic FOIA Form

In order to submit an electronic FOIA request to the University, you must enter information for each field so the FOIA coordinator can contact you after the request is received. 

***PLEASE NOTE: The University will be closed from 5:00 pm on Friday, December 20, 2024, through 8:00 am on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Any FOIA requests received during this time will be processed after the University reopens. ***

* denotes a required field

Personal Information

Detailed Description

Grand Valley has the right to apply labor, copying and mailing costs to all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to which public records are provided.  If a fee is required, the requestor will be notified.  Pursuant to Act, if the fee exceeds $50.00, then a deposit equal to half of the total fee is required before processing the request and the remainder is due immediately after the information is delivered to the requestor.  Requests for records not covered by the Freedom of Information Act will be denied.  Click here to review the Grand Valley’s FOIA policy.

Human Verification *

Page last modified December 17, 2024