Data from the survey will be reviewed and shared with Provost Fatma
Mili and college deans, then disseminated to the campus community
early in the fall semester with a plan to develop working teams to
address areas to improve the faculty work experience.
Through a collaborative incentive with the Division of Inclusion and
Equity, responses to the survey will benefit the GVSU Student
Emergency Fund.
Ed Aboufadel, chair of the COACHE Steering Committee and senior
associate vice president for Academic Affairs, said each survey
response added $25 to the fund, which totals more than $15,500.
"I am pleased by the strong response rate of our faculty, and
the work of the COACHE steering committee over the past year to roll
out the survey," Aboufadel said. "After the findings are
received, we will have a bias towards action with a shared governance approach."
Grand Valley's faculty response rate was 66 percent, much higher than
the 41 percent average from the 300 other institutions also
administering the COACH survey. A project from the Harvard University
Graduate School of Education, COACHE offers diagnostic reports and
consultations to participating universities for the length of their
three-year commitment.
Rest assured, we are intently focused on doing everything we can to understand, assess and respond to the very dynamic and disruptive actions coming from federal officials.