League Rules & Etiquette
Revised: April 24, 2023
USGA Rules apply except as listed below.
1. Membership
- All golfers must be at least 21 years of age.
- At least one team member must be a current or retired faculty/staff employee of GVSU.
- Our "three R's of golf"... recreation, relaxation, and a round of fun!
2. Starting Times (4:30 p.m.- 5:40 p.m.)
- Foursomes are scheduled to tee off at ten-minute intervals. Please arrive at the course in time to report at the first tee 10 minutes prior to your scheduled tee time. If players are late, other foursomes will be started until they arrive.
- There is no official starter. We all are responsible for getting started on time!
- All teams are expected to play at their appointed time with their scheduled opponents. If you must be late or need an alternate starting time, please make arrangements with your opponents.
- Opposing teams may play prior to league only if absolutely necessary, but the round must be played on the scheduled date. Please leave your scorecard at The Meadows Pro Shop.
3. Play Conditions
- Schedule: Team rankings will be determined by the highest point totals over the season. 1st-half and 2nd-half winners will be determined by the teams having earned the most points at the end of June and the end of August matches. Those two teams will play each other for the league championship title. The league champion will be announced at our league Fun Night and Banquet in August.
- Mulligans: Each player will be allowed one mulligan per round for an errant shot of their choice (does not include a putt). A mulligan may be declared and must be re-hit immediately. A provisional mulligan may be declared if the player believes the ball is potentially lost. If the original ball is found however, the player must continue play with the original ball, and the mulligan may be used later in the round. Once a player leaves the original point of shot, and the ball is later determined lost, the player may not return to "re-hit" using a mulligan.
- League-Winter Rules: League-winter rules are in effect at all times. A player may improve the lie of the ball anywhere on the course, except in hazards and sand traps, by rolling the ball over with the club head. Hazards are marked by red or yellow stakes. A free drop is allowed from areas marked with white paint.
- Inclement Weather: League play will be suspended or canceled only when The Meadows does not allow carts on the course due to inclement or hazardous weather conditions. Should such conditions be present on league day, a decision whether to play or cancel will be made by 3:00 p.m. Call The Meadows Pro Shop at (616) 331-1000 for league play confirmation.
4. Scoring
- Your score for each hole consists of the number of strokes taken to hit onto the green plus the number of putts. Please total and record each player's score following the round.
- Maximum Score: The maximum score on a hole is double-par (par 3's-6, par 4's-8, par 5's-10). Pick up your ball if you reach the maximum; you need not finish the hole. Record a double-par on the scorecard for that hole and proceed to the next hole.
- "Gimme Putts": A "gimme putt" must be granted to your opponent if the ball is within two feet of the cup. The ball may be picked up, and it must be counted as one putt. You need not record the number of putts on the scorecard.
- Substitutes: Please record the first and last name of all substitute players on the scorecard. Please write all names and scores legibly to assure team points are calculated and recorded correctly.
- Points for each hole will be calculated on the number of strokes taken to finish the hole, minus the handicap.
5. Tee Boxes and Handicaps
- Red Tees: Women and optional for any player 80+ years of age; Gold Tees: Optional for any player 60+ years of age; White Tees: Men 60 years of age and younger;
Blue Tees: Optional for anyone; Black Tees: GO FOR IT!!! *** Once tee box has been selected, you must use this tee box for remainder of the season. - Handicaps: Handicaps will be calculated and posted on the website following each week's round of play. Handicaps are based on 90% of the difference between your average gross score and par. Average gross scores will be calculated on all rounds played.
6. Format and Points
- Results are determined by points earned after awarding 24 points per foursome each week based on low net: 9 points - low handicap opponents per hole, 9 points - high handicap opponents per hole, 6 points - low team total. Handicap stroke differentials are applied on each hole (starting with the hardest holes first), and points are awarded based on scores after differential is applied. If after stroke differential is applied, a tie score will result in .5 points awarded.
- No-show golfers who fail to obtain subs will lose all 9 points available to them, and their team will lose the 6 points for total. The only points the team can win are points earned by the team partner who plays. The unopposed golfer will earn points based on playing against the score of an attending player randomly selected by the league secretary.
7. Etiquette
- Out of courtesy and for maximum enjoyment of all players, please keep a timely pace of play. The goal for completing a round is 2-1/2 hrs. All golfers are encouraged to use carts to help keep pace of play. An empty hole in front of your foursome indicates you are seriously behind and should speed up play! Other foursomes behind you should be waived to play-through if your foursome is not keeping proper pace.
- The maximum time allowed to look for lost golf balls is two minutes! Opponents are responsible for timing the search, but not responsible to help look for a lost ball. Walkers should split up to look for your own golf ball.
- Play "ready-golf." Be prepared to take your shot. Get ready to hit while others are hitting. Particularly around the greens, prepare to putt while others are putting. Hole out (finish putting) when convenient.
- Park golf carts and place golf bags on the side of the green toward the next tee.
- DO NOT record scores while on the green; wait until you reach the next tee.
8. Season Finale
- As specified in the season’s league schedule, the league champions and next season’s league president and vice president will be determined in a playoff. The teams having the highest and lowest point totals from the season’s first and second halves will compete for the respective titles. In the event a playoff cannot be held, the teams having the highest and lowest point totals for the season will be awarded the championship and officers titles respectively.
- In addition to the champions and league awards, other prizes will be awarded at the season finale banquet.