Study Abroad Opportunities

GVSU Netherlands: Cultural Geographies and Landscape Planning

2018 Video

Netherlands Study Abroad


Meppel, Netherlands — This program will select 10 locations exemplifying distinct cultural landscapes unique to the Netherlands. Students will participate in daily field trips, during which they will conduct on-site visits and investigations and meet with local planning officials. Locations include the Province of Overijssel Land Use Management Department, the Dutch Barrier Islands, Amsterdam, the Northeast Polder, Rotterdam Harbors, Zeeland Delta Hydrologic Protective Works and many more. Students will have an authentic cultural experience by living outside of the tourist areas at a local guest house.

Students will apply geographic concepts that they learned in their Regional and Urban Planning courses in a real world international setting. The Netherlands is a very rich destination that can serve both the geographic aspects of cultural landscapes but also has a robust regional and urban planning history.

Netherlands Cultural Information

When can I go: June 18 - July 03, 2020 (2 weeks)
Where Will I Live: Students will be staying in a 14 person guest house for the majority of the trip.
Who is Eligible to Participate?

  • This program is open to all majors.
  • A minimum 2.0 GPA is required.
  • GVSU is happy to extend this opportunity to non-GVSU students.

What Credits Will I Receive: Students will register one class for a total of 3 credits:

  • GPY 381: Cultural Geographies and Sustainable Landscape Planning in the Netherlands (3 credits): This course is an elective within the geography and sustainable planning major and sustainable regional and urban planning minor and is a “380” cross listing with Public Administration, Sociology and Environmental Studies.

How do I apply?

*APPLICATION DEADLINE (2020 Program): February 1, 2020*


Cost Information

How Much does the program cost? Program fee is $3,595, this Includes: 

  • Round-trip airfare from Grand Rapids
  • Accommodation
  • Most meals
  • Field trips and entrance fees
  • All ground transportation

Other Expenses

  • GVSU Tuition ($1,641)
  • Personal expenses ($200)
  • Passport ($150)
  • Additional meals ($100)
  • ISIC card (Optional) ($28)


TOTAL PROJECTED COST (Program Fee + Other Expenses) = $5,714

Financial Aid


  • FACULTY-LED PROGRAM GRANT: Up to $1,500. All degree-seeking students who apply to their faculty-led program by the priority deadline are automatically considered for a grant of up to $1,500 from the Padnos International Center. Students must have a current FAFSA on file to be eligible. No application required. 
  • James F. and Virginia L. Goode Global Programs Scholarship: The purpose of the scholarship is to reduce the financial pressure on students and their families and make a Grand Valley education accessible to students from all backgrounds. This need-based scholarship will ensure that financial need does not become a barrier to intellectual and personal growth for students planning to study abroad. MyScholarships:


Visit for additional information on grants and scholarships. 

To contact the Financial Aid office, email [email protected] with “Study Abroad” in the Subject line. Include your G-number and Total Projected Cost of the program in the e-mail. 
Financial Aid FAQs

Non-GVSU Students: 

  • *Non-GVSU students admitted for study abroad are not eligible for Financial Aid from GVSU*
  • Check with your home school’s study abroad and financial aid offices for details on applying for financial aid from your home school toward study abroad program costs. 

Study Abroad Director for Netherlands Trip

Faculty Director: Jeroen Wagendorp
Geography and Sustainable Planning Department
Office: B-4-201 Mackinac Hall
Phone: (616) 331-8672
Email: [email protected]

All program information including courses, duration of program, dates, and other logistics are subject to change. Programs may be cancelled due to extenuating circumstances.

Page last modified January 27, 2025