Updates on Executive Orders Impacting Federally-Funded Projects

The Trump administration has issued several Executive Orders that have resulted in project-specific suspensions, stop work orders and terminations from federal agencies and sponsors.

As federal agencies and sponsors make changes or notify us of updates to specific research projects, GVSU's Office of Sponsored Programs will keep you informed with guidance, updates, and relevant resources to help you navigate these changes. If you come across any information relevant to this page, please forward it to [email protected].

If you have questions or information regarding a specific project or funding sponsor you may reach out to the Office of Sponsored Programs and we will assist or advise as appropriate and able based on current information. If you have any questions understanding and complying with the research compliance aspects of your grant or sponsored program, please email Ben Vesper, Director of the Office of Research Compliance and Integrity at [email protected].

Guidance Moving Forward

Proposal Submissions

  • Proposals will continue to be submitted as long as federal submission systems remain operational.
  • Sponsor proposal review timelines may be extended due to federal pauses in specific funding areas.
  • Reconfirm proposal deadlines, as they may change.
  • Verify that funding announcements have not been revised or postponed.
  • Sign up for agency or sponsor alerts, if available.

UPDATES: (Note – Updates or guidance issued over a weekend will be posted at the beginning of the following week)

Feb 26, 2025 – Executive Order on Implementing the President's Department of Government Efficiency Cost Efficiency Initiative

On February 26, 2025, President Trump signed an Executive Order establishing significant new requirements and limitations related to new and existing “covered contracts and grants,” a term that is defined to include most types of “Federal contracts, grants, loans, and related instruments,” with exceptions for certain military and law-enforcement contracts. Among other things, the EO:

  1. Requires federal agencies to establish new payment tracking systems that incorporate “written justifications” for each covered contract or grant payment;
  2. Requires each agency to complete a review of all existing covered contracts and grants within 30 days for alignment with Administration policy, with further direction to terminate, modify, or renegotiate such covered contracts where appropriate and consistent with applicable law;
  3. Requires each agency to issue guidance on signing new contracts or modifying existing contracts “to promote Government efficiency and the policies of [the new] Administration,” and to refrain from entering into “new contracts” pending the publication of such guidance absent approval from the agency head on a case-by-case basis; and
  4. Restricts non-essential travel by federal employees, imposes a “freeze” on the use of government-issued purchase cards, and directs agencies to consider exercising termination rights in leases for government-owned property and to develop a plan for the disposition of government-owned real property that is “no longer needed.”


Feb 21, 2025 – Judge Blocks DEI Orders

On Friday, 2/21/25, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking two executive orders (EOs) EO 14151, and EO 14173 attempting to terminate or change federal grants and contracts for programs related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The judge ruled that the policies and term “diversity, equity, and inclusion” as used in the EOs were potentially vague, discriminating, and unconstitutional by penalizing private organizations, including charitable nonprofits. However, agencies are permitted to proceed with reviewing various programs related to these EOs and to issue any reports as required under the EOs. The ruling applies nationwide.


Feb 11, 2025 – Changes in NEH Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) 

Applicants should be aware of several recent revisions that NEH is making to its current funding opportunities, or NOFOs.  To comply with recent Administration Executive Orders (“Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing,” “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” and “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling”), NEH is adding several new prohibited categories to the Funding Restrictions section of its NOFOs.   

As required by the Administration’s Executive Orders, NEH awards may not be used for the following purposes:  

  • promotion of gender ideology;  
  • promotion of discriminatory equity ideology;  
  • support for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) or diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) initiatives or activities; or  
  • environmental justice initiatives or activities.  

More information about these Executive Orders may be found on the White House’s Presidential Actions webpage.  


Feb 10, 2025 – Federal Judge Halts NIH Indirect Cost Rate Cuts

Attorneys general representing 22 states sued the Trump administration on Monday, asking a federal judge to temporarily block a major policy change by the National Institutes of Health that would substantially limit payments to 15% for research overhead to universities, medical centers, and other grant recipients. In a separate filing a consortium of universities and related associations also also challenged the NIH's policy change. Later on Monday, a federal judge in Boston issued a temporary order halting the policy until otherwise ordered by the court. A hearing was set for Feb 21.


Feb 7, 2025 – National Institutes of Health Indirect Cost Rate Update - New Standard Indirect Cost Rate of 15% Across all NIH Grants

The NIH has issued supplemental guidance to their 2024 grants policy statement announcing an "updated policy deviating from the negotiated indirect cost rate for new grant awards and existing grant awards, effective as of the date of this Guidance’s issuance. Pursuant to this Supplemental Guidance, there will be a standard indirect rate of 15% across all NIH grants for indirect costs in lieu of a separately negotiated rate for indirect costs in every grant." The new rate would apply to new grants and existing grant awards, effective as of the date of the new Guidance's issuance.


Feb 4, 2025 – Department of Education Notice on DEI Executive Order

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Education has taken action to eliminate harmful Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, including references to them in public-facing communication channels and its associated workforce. These actions are in line with President Trump’s ongoing commitment to end illegal discrimination and wasteful spending across the federal government. They are the first step in reorienting the agency toward prioritizing meaningful learning ahead of divisive ideology in our schools.

Following President Trump’s recent Executive Orders and initial guidance from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Department removed or archived hundreds of guidance documents, reports, and training materials that include mentions of DEI from its outward facing communication channels. The Department also put employees charged with leading DEI initiatives on paid administrative leave. These review efforts will continue as the Department works to end discrimination based on race and the use of harmful race stereotypes, both within the agency and throughout America’s education system.

Notable actions the Department has taken include: 

  • Dissolution of the Department’s Diversity & Inclusion Council, effective immediately;
  • Dissolution of the Employee Engagement Diversity Equity Inclusion Accessibility Council (EEDIAC) within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), effective immediately and pursuant to President Trump’s Executive Order “Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing”;
  • Cancellation of ongoing DEI training and service contracts which total over $2.6 million;
  • Withdrawal of the Department’s Equity Action Plan;
  • Placement of career Department staff tasked with implementing the previous administration’s DEI initiatives on paid administrative leave; and
  • Identification for removal of over 200 web pages from the Department’s website that housed DEI resources and encouraged schools and institutions of higher education to promote or endorse harmful ideological programs.

Pursuant to OPM guidance, the Department will continue its comprehensive review of all agency programs and services to identify additional initiatives and working groups that may be advancing a divisive DEI agenda, including programs using coded or imprecise language to disguise their activity. Careful review of all public sites and media channels for DEI language and resources will also continue.


Feb 3, 2025 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) - Notice: Executive Orders (E.O.)

Dear Recipient:

Your Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) award is funded in whole or in part with U.S. government funds.

Effective immediately, HRSA grant funds may not be used for activities that do not align with Executive Orders (E.O.) entitled Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Action, Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation, and Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government (Defending Women). Any vestige, remnant, or re-named piece of any programs in conflict with these E.O.s are terminated in whole or in part.

You may not incur any additional costs that support any programs, personnel, or activities in conflict with these E.O.s

If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]


 Feb 2, 2025 – NSF Guidance on Award Cash Management Service (ACM$)

Access to the Award Cash Management Service (ACM$) has been restored and the system is available to accept payment requests as of 12:00 PM ET on February 2, 2025. See the FAQs below for more information. http://new.nsf.gov/executive-orders


Jan. 31, 2025 – Notice of Court Order - temporary restraining order has been entered in the case of New York et al. v. Trump, No. 25-cv-39-JJM-PAS (D.R.I.), ECF No. 50 (Jan. 31, 2025).


Jan. 31, 2025 – Notice to SBA grant recipients on DEI Executive Order

Pursuant to the Executive Order on Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing signed by President Donald J. Trump on January 20, 2025, SBA is required to terminate all equity-related grants and all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) or diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) performance requirements for grantees. In accordance with that Executive Order, SBA is directing all Agency grantees to immediately cease conducting and reporting under any DEI or DEIA mandates, policies, programs, preferences, or activities required by their awards. Further guidance and direction in this area will be forthcoming, as permissible by law.

OPM guidance can be found here. Memorandum for Heads and Acting Heads of Departments and Agencies: Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders

With respect to the foregoing, please:

Provide a list of each and every mandate, policy, program, preference, or activity under your award that meets the criteria outlined in the Executive Order.

Certify compliance with the Executive Order for each item listed in Number 1 above.

If unable to comply, please explain why.

Please submit information to [email protected] and copy your primary SBA contact by 5:00 p.m. EST, Friday, January 31.  


Jan. 29, 2025 – Update from the NSF: Message to the NSF principal investigator community

Our top priority is resuming our funding actions and services to the research community and our stakeholders. We are working expeditiously to conduct a comprehensive review of our projects, programs and activities to be compliant with the existing executive orders.

We will continue to try and communicate with you as these changes are happening in real time.

All NSF grantees must comply with these executive orders, and any other relevant executive orders issued, by ceasing all non-compliant grant and award activities. Executive orders are posted at whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions. In particular, this may include, but is not limited to conferences, trainings, workshops, considerations for staffing and participant selection, and any other grant activity that uses or promotes the use of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) principles and frameworks or violates federal anti-discrimination laws.

Please work with your institutional research office to assist you in complying with the executive orders. You can also direct your questions through this webform. We are receiving a large volume of submissions, and we will not be able to respond individually. As we collect your questions, we will compile and post frequently asked questions (FAQs) on this page. Please check back regularly to access these FAQs.

Thank you for your work advancing science, engineering, technology and innovation for our nation.


1/29/2025 – Updates and Guidance from NASA: On January 23, 2025, NASA’s Office of Procurement (OP) released a memorandum for the NASA contractor and grant community regarding Executive Order “Initial Recission of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions” and the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) memorandum “Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders.”

Per OP’s memo, NASA grant and cooperative agreement recipients shall immediately cease and desist all DEIA activities required for their award. This work may include but is not limited to: DEIA plan requirements, training, workshops, reporting, considerations for staffing, or any other direct or indirect grant activity related to DEIA. All grant recipients shall notify their cognizant Grant Officer if they identify requirements within their awards that are in violation of this guidance. Your Grant Officer’s contact information can be found on your NF 1687, Notice of Award for Grant and Cooperative Agreement (NOA).


1/29/2025 – Executive Order to Pause Grants, Loans and Other Federal Assistance Rescinded: The Office of Management and Budget has rescinded OMB Memo M-25-13 directing federal agencies to pause federal funding. Note: other executive orders that may affect the implementation of federally funded programs remain in effect.


1/28/2025 – Executive Order to Pause Grants, Loans and Other Federal Assistance Temporarily Blocked by Federal Judge: The Office of Management and Budget's memo directing federal agencies to pause federal funding has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge. The Jan. 27 directive called for a “temporary pause [on] all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance, and other relevant agency activities that may be implicated by the executive orders…” beginning Jan. 28 at 5 p.m.

An administrative stay issued by U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan will expire Feb. 3. The order was in response to a lawsuit filed earlier on Jan. 28 by a coalition of nonprofits, public health organizations and small businesses.


1/28/2025 – Updates and Guidance from the National Science Foundation (NSF): The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-25-13, issued on January 27, 2025, directs all Federal agencies to conduct a comprehensive review of their financial assistance programs to determine programs, projects, and activities that may be implicated by the recent Executive Orders. Therefore, all review panels, new awards, and all payments of funds under open awards will be paused as the agency conducts the required reviews and analysis. NSF has created an Executive Order Implementation webpage to ensure the widest dissemination of information and updates. We will continue to communicate with you as we receive additional guidance.

All NSF grantees must comply with these Executive Orders, and any other relevant Executive Orders issued, by ceasing all non-compliant grant and award activities. Executive Orders are posted at http://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/. In particular, this may include, but is not limited to conferences, trainings, workshops, considerations for staffing and participant selection, and any other grant activity that uses or promotes the use of DEIA principles and frameworks or violates Federal anti-discrimination laws. Please work with your institutional research office to assist you in complying with the Executive Orders. You can also direct your questions through the form on this NSF webpage.


1/28/2025 – The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued updated guidance as a follow-on to OMB Memo M-25-13, clarifying that not all federal grants are subject to the temporary pause.

Key points:

  • Scope of the Pause:
    • The pause applies to programs that conflict with Executive Orders (EOs) under the Trump Administration.
    • Affected areas include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, foreign assistance programs, clean energy and other policies inconsistent with administration priorities.
  • Federal Process:
    • Federal agencies will work with OMB to identify impacted programs.
    • OMB will assist in unwinding impacted policies without disrupting payments.
    • The pause is temporary, not an impoundment, meaning legally required payments.

What does this mean for Current Federally Funded Awards:

  • Continuity of Payments: Awards not affected by the pause will continue operating as usual.
  • Review Your Award: Investigators and administrators should review the alignment of their grants with the Executive Orders. Programs inconsistent with administration priorities may receive sponsor notification that the project is paused or modified.
  • Be Patient for Federal Agency or Sponsor Guidance: Federal Agencies will provide additional instructions to grantees, including GVSU.


1/28/2025 – Executive Order to Pause Grants, Loans and Other Federal Assistance: New guidance (OMB Memo M-25-13) from the Trump Administration regarding all federally funded projects is now available. We are reviewing this information in parallel with our federal agencies and sponsors to assess how it may impact your research project(s). We are actively monitoring the situation and will provide updates on this page as they become available. If you have questions or information regarding a specific project or funding sponsor you may reach out to our office and we will assist or advise as appropriate and able based on current information.

Guidance Moving Forward

Proposal Submissions

  • Proposals will continue to be submitted as long as federal submission systems remain operational.
  • Sponsor proposal review timelines may be extended due to federal pauses in specific funding areas.
  • Reconfirm proposal deadlines, as they may change.
  • Verify that funding announcements have not been revised or postponed.
  • Sign up for agency or sponsor alerts, if available.

Page last modified March 3, 2025