The Graduate School Podcast Series

The Graduate School at GVSU offers over 40 masters, doctoral and certificate programs. This podcast series is an ongoing project that aims to provide prospective and current students with information about the programs and services available to them in a unique and engaging manner. Please listen and enjoy. 

For more information regarding application and admission, visit the Graduate admission page 

General Graduate Student Podcasts




Graduate Education at GVSU

An overview of GVSU's graduate programs, the benefits of attending GVSU and general application information.

Graduate Education at GVSU Podcast Transcript

Graduate Student Financial Support Podcast

There are several ways graduate students can receive financial support to further their graduate education at GVSU.

Graduate Student Financial Support Transcript

Graduate Library Services

GVSU's library services offered to graduate students and how they can help you succeed academically.

Graduate Library Services Podcast Transcript

Graduate Petitions

An overview of exception to policy requests and how to submit a petition.

Graduate Petitions Transcript

Graduate Student Association 

An overview of Graduate Student Association(GSA), a student led organization at Grand Valley that conducts different programs and orientations for graduate students. 

Graduate Student Association Transcript

Knowledge Market 

Knowledge Market, an exceptional place that helps students in research, writing, digital and statistical assignments, a place that support students for all academical problems. 

Knowledge Market Transcript 

Career Center 

An overview of all the services of Career Center such as career Lab, career fair, individual appointments and other resources. 

Career Center Transcript

The University Counseling Center 

 This podcast delves into the free counseling services of center such as Let's talk, individual Counseling, group counseling, Gender affirmation services and many more of the University Counseling Center. 

The University Counseling Center Transcript 

Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity

Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity is one of the Social Justice Center in the university that organizes programs and activities such as NIARA, Femme Film Friday, Talk Back Tuesday and victim advocate and support services for all the students and faculty. 

Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity Transcript

Milton E. ford LGBT Resource Center 

The Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center fosters an inclusive and supportive campus environment by providing resources, support, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Milton E. ford LGBT Resource Center Transcript 

The Office of Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs at GVSU is dedicated to enhancing the experience of a diverse and inclusive campus community through comprehensive programs and services that celebrate and support all cultural identities.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs

Peter Secchia Military and Veterans Resource Center

Peter Secchia Military and Veterans Resource Center's mission to support veterans, active military and reserves, and military spouses and dependents. 

Peter Secchia Military and Veterans Resource Center Script 

Graduate Program Podcasts

The following podcasts will outline the graduate programs at Grand Valley State University. Each podcast will provide an overview of the admissions process, degree requirements, curriculum structure, and distinguishing qualities of the program. For more information on your program of interest, please contact the director of that program. 


Graduate Program Director


Accounting (M.S.A)

Erika Murphy, SHRM-SCP

Accounting podcast transcript

Applied Computer Science (M.S.)

Robert Adams, Ph.D.

Applied Computer Science podcast transcript

Applied Statistics (M.S.)

Robert Downer, Ph.D.

Applied Statistics podcast transcript

Athletic Training (M.A.T)

Shari Bartz-Smith, Ph.D.

Athletic Training podcast transcript

Audiology (Au.D.)

Jennifer Smart, Ph.D., CCC-A

Audiology podcast transcript

Biology (M.S.)

Eric Snyder, Ph.D.

Biology podcast transcript

Biomedical Sciences (M.H.S.)

Christopher Pearl, Ph.D.

Biomedical Sciences podcast transcript

Biostatistics (M.S., PSM)

Robert Downer, Ph.D.

Biostatistics podcast transcript

Business Administration, Executive (E.M.B.A.)

Erika Murphy, SHRM-SCP

Executive Business podcast transcript

Business Administration, Professional (M.B.A.)

Erika Murphy, SHRM-SCP

Professional Business podcast transcript

Cell and Molecular Biology (M.S., PSM)

Mark Staves, Ph.D.

Cell and Molecular Biology podcast transcript

Clinical Dietetics (M.S.)

Jennifer Ford, MA, RDN

Clinical Dietetics podcast transcript

Communication (M.S.)

Anthony Spencer, Ph.D. 

Communication podcast transcript

Criminal Justice (M.S.)

Carrie Buist, Ph.D.

Criminal Justice podcast transcript

Cybersecurity (M.S.)

Samah Mansour, Ph.D.

Cybersecurity podcast transcript

Data Science and Analytics (M.S.)

Jonathan Leidig, Ph.D.

Data Science and Analytics podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Educational Leadership

Rick Vandermolen, Ed.D.

Educational Leadership podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Educational Leadership
Special Education Administration

Nichole Moore, Ed.D.

Special Education Administration podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Learning, Design, and Technology

Beomkyu Choi, Ph.D

Learning, Design, and Technology podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Higher Education

Laila McCloud, Ph.D.

Higher Education podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Instruction & Curriculum
Early Childhood Education

Kathryn Ohle, Ph.D.

Early Childhood Education podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Instruction & Curriculum
Educational Differentiation

Kelly Margot, Ph.D.

Educational Differentiation podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Instruction & Curriculum
Elementary Education

Ellen Schiller, Ph.D. 

Elementary Education podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Instruction & Curriculum
Secondary Education

Sherie Klee, Ph.D.

Secondary Education podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Literacy Studies

Elizabeth Stolle, Ph.D.

Reading and Language Arts podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - School Counseling

Star Zetocha, Ph.D.

School Counseling podcast transcript

Education (M.Ed.) - Special Education

Barbara Lubic, Ed.D.

Special Education podcast transcript

Education Specialist in Leadership (Ed.S.)

Gregory Warsen, Ph.D.

Education Specialist in Leadership podcast transcript

Engineering (M.S.E)

Samhita Rhodes, Ph.D.

Engineering podcast transcript

Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Raymond Higbea, Ph.D.

Health Administration podcast transcript

Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (M.S., PSM)

Guenter Tusch, Ph.D.

Health Informatics and Bioinformatics podcast transcript

Medical Dosimetry (M.S.)

Kristen Vu, M.S., CMD, RT(T)

Medical Dosimetry podcast transcript

Nursing Practice (D.N.P.)

Amy Manderscheid, DNP

Nursing (DNP) podcast transcript

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Amy Manderscheid, DNP

Nursing (MSN) podcast transcript

Occupational Therapy (Dr.O.T.)

Susan Cleghorn, Dr.O.T., OTRL, 

Doctor of Occupational Therapy podcast transcript

Occupational Therapy (M.S.)

Scott Truskowski, Ph.D., OTRL

Occupational Therapy podcast transcript

Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (M.P.N.L.)

Donijo Robbins, Ph.D.

Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership podcast transcript

Physical Therapy (D.P.T.)

Todd Sander, PT, Ph.D.

Physical Therapy podcast transcript

Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.)

Jill Ellis, DHSC, PA-C

Physician Assistant Studies podcast transcript

Professional Science Masters (P.S.M.)

Anirudh Chowdhary, Ph.D. 

PSM programs podcast transcript

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Donijo Robbins, Ph.D.

Public Administration podcast transcript

Public Health (M.P.H.)

Ranelle Brew, Ed.D.

Public Health podcast transcript

Recreational Therapy (M.S.)

Dawn De Vries, DHA 

Recreational Therapy podcast transcript

School Psychology (M.S. & Psy.S.)

Kristen Schrauben, Ph.D.

School Psychology podcast transcript

Social Innovation (P.M.S.I)

Azfar Hussain, Ph.D.

Social Innovation podcast transcript

Social Work (M.S.W.)

Robin Smith-Colton, Ph.D.

Social Work podcast transcript

Speech Language Pathology (M.S.)

Cara M. Singer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Speech Language Pathology podcast transcript

Taxation (M.S.T.)

Erika Murphy, SHRM-SCP

Taxation podcast transcript

Water Resource Policy (M.S.)

Mark Luttenton, Ph.D.

Water Resource podcast transcript

Bachelor/Master Combined Degree Program Podcasts

The following podcasts will outline the combined degree programs at Grand Valley State University. Each podcast will provide an overview of the admissions process, degree requirements, curriculum structure, and distinguishing qualities of the program.


Graduate Program Director


Accounting (B.S., M.S.)

Erika Murphy, SHRM-SCP

Accounting combined degree podcast transcript

Advertising and Public Relations and Communication
(B.A./B.S., M.S.)

Anthony Spencer, Ph.D. 

Advertising and Public Relations and Communications combined degree podcast transcript

Allied Health Sciences and Public Health (B.S., M.P.H.)

Ranelle Brew, Ed.D. 

Allied Health Sciences and Public Health combined degree podcast transcript

Applied Food and Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics (B.S., M.S.)

Jennifer Ford, MA, RDN

Applied Food and Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics combined degree podcast transcript

Biomedical Sciences (B.S., M.H.S.)

Christopher Pearl, Ph.D.

Biomedical Sciences combined degree podcast transcript

Cell and Molecular Biology (B.S., M.S.)

Mark Staves, Ph.D. 

Cell and Molecular Biology combined degree podcast transcript

Communication Studies and Communication (B.A./B.S., M.S.)

Anthony Spencer, Ph.D. 

Communication Studies and Communication combined degree podcast transcript

Computer Engineering and Applied Computer Science (B.S.E., M.S.)

Robert Adams, Ph.D.

Computer Engineering and Applied Computer Science combined degree podcast transcript

Computer Science and Applied Computer Science (B.S., M.S.)

Robert Adams, Ph.D.

Computer Science and Applied Computer Science combined degree podcast transcript

Computer Science and Cybersecurity (B.S., M.S.)

Samah Mansour, Ph.D.

Computer Science and Cybersecurity combined degree podcast transcript

Computer Science and Data Science and Analytics (B.S., M.S.)

Jonathan Leidig, Ph.D.

Computer Science and Data Science and Analytics combined degree podcast transcript

Cybersecurity (B.S., M.S.)

Samah Mansour, Ph.D.

Cybersecurity combined degree podcast transcript

Engineering (B.S.E., M.S.E.)

Samhita Rhodes, Ph.D.

Engineering combined degree podcast transcript

Exercise Science and Athletic Training (B.S., M.A.T.)

Shari Bartz-Smith, Ph.D.

Exercise Science and Athletic Training combined degree podcast transcript

Exercise Science and Public Health (B.S., M.P.H.)

Ranelle Brew, Ed.D. 

Exercise Science and Public Health combined degree podcast transcript

Health Communications and Communication (B.A./B.S., M.S.)

Anthony Spencer, Ph.D. 

Health Communications and Communication combined degree podcast transcript

Information Systems and Applied Computer Science (B.S., M.S.)

Robert Adams, Ph.D.

Information Systems and Applied Computer Science combined degree podcast transcript

Information Systems and Cybersecurity (B.S., M.S.)

Samah Mansour, Ph.D.

Information Systems and Cybersecurity combined degree podcast transcript

Information Technology and Cybersecurity (B.S., M.S.)

Samah Mansour, Ph.D.

Information Technology and Cybersecurity combined degree podcast transcript

Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media and Communications (B.A./B.S., M.S.)

Anthony Spencer, Ph.D. 

Multimedia Journalism and Communication combined degree podcast transcript

Occupational Therapy (M.S., Dr.O.T.)

Susan Cleghorn, Dr.O.T., OTRL 

Occupational Therapy combined degree podcast transcript

Public Nonprofit Administration and Public Administration
(B.A./B.S., M.P.A.)

Donijo Robbins, Ph.D.

Public Nonprofit Administration and Public Administration combined degree podcast transcript

Recreational Therapy (B.S., M.S.)

Dawn De Vries, DHA

Recreational Therapy combined degree podcast transcript

Statistics and Applied Statistics (B.S., M.S.)

Robert Downer, Ph.D.

Statistics and Applied Statistics combined degree podcast transcript

Statistics and Biostatistics (B.S., M.S.)

Robert Downer, Ph.D. 

Statistics and Biostatistics combined degree podcast transcript

Statistics and Data Science and Analytics (B.S., M.S.)

Jonathan Leidig, Ph.D.

Statistics and Data Science and Analytics podcast transcript

Student Initiated Combined Degree Program

The Graduate School

Student Initiated Combined Degree Program podcast transcript

Graduate Certificate Podcasts

The following podcasts will outline the graduate certificates at Grand Valley State University. Each podcast will provide an overview of the admissions process, degree requirements, curriculum structure, and distinguishing qualities of the program. For more information on your certificate of interest, please contact the director of that program. 


Graduate Program Director


Bioinformatics and Genomics Certificate

Agnieszka Szarecka, Ph.D.

Bioinformatics and Genomics Certificate podcast transcript

English to Speakers of Other Languages Certificate

Rui Niu-Cooper, PH.D.

English to Speakers of Other Languages podcast transcript

Interprofessional Health Informatics Certificate

Guenter Tusch, Ph.D.


Amy Manderscheid, DNP


Donijo Robbins, Ph.D. 

Interprofessional Health Informatics Certificate transcript

Nonprofit Leadership Certificate

Donijo Robbins, Ph.D. 

Nonprofit Leadership podcast transcript

Online and Blended Instruction Certificate

Beomkyu Choi, Ph.D.

Online and Blended Instruction podcast transcript

Palliative and Hospice Care Certificate

Amy Manderscheid, DNP

Palliative and Hospice Care podcast transcript

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate

Amy Manderscheid, DNP

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner transcript

Page last modified February 28, 2025