St. Patrick’s Cathedral is pictured through a garden of poppies and black-eyed Susans.
DUBLIN — After months of lockdowns and restrictions due to the pandemic, Grand Valley’s study abroad and international internship programs are coming back to life.
Students, once anxious about having their classes and international trips canceled, were enthusiastic and overjoyed at the opportunity to travel abroad once again.

Isabel Wychuyse, pictured with St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin, said the internship opened her eyes to being independent.

Alayna Peterson makes the Anchor Up hand sign outside of the Poppintree Community Sports Centre, where she had an internship and worked with young children.
“It’s been great to finally be able to travel,” said senior Alayna Peterson, a social work major who spent nine weeks living and working in Dublin. “Seeing that this opportunity was something that I could do after COVID restrictions eased, it just seemed perfect.”
Peterson was one of dozens of Grand Valley students taking classes and gaining professional experience through the Padnos International Center this summer.
In Ireland, she was one of a handful of Lakers taking part in internships or studying abroad.
Peterson’s internship placed her at the Poppintree Community Sports Centre with The Aisling (Irish for “Dream”) Project, a nonprofit organization that helps and mentors children ages 7-12 in Ballymun, a socioeconomic disadvantaged section of Dublin about 30 minutes north from the city center.
Peterson and the project’s two other interns (one from Italy, the other from Ireland) helped children with homework, played games, served meals and coordinated other planned activities.
Peterson said her classes at Grand Valley gave her the proper footing in preparing her for the internship.