Additional Resources
Their Mission: to promote safe school, campus and organizational climates through research, information sharing and the development of data-driven strategies for hazing prevention.
Click here to visit
Their Mission: to empower people to prevent hazing. They provide education, develop resources, and build partnerships with others who believe in the work they do. They are focused on gathering information and resources that are easily accessible to anyone who wants to learn more about hazing and hazing prevention.
Click here to visit
Their Mission: To provide methods of prevention and intervention in hazing; to explain the psychology of hazing in high school, college, the military, and the workplace. Educational information is included for use in anti-hazing initiatives among fraternities, sororities, teams, and other groups.
Click here to visit

Their Mission: To govern competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount.
Click here for hazing prevention resources from the NCAA
Their Mission: To guide patients and family to the goal of complete rehabilitation; the Recovery Village's advanced approach to addiction treatment and drug treatment empowers individuals on the path to recovery. Students who are victims of college hazing may experience shame, peer pressure, depression, and anxiety and use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate.
Click here for The Recovery Village's Hazing in College guide

National Hazing Prevention Week
National Hazing Prevention Week is observed during the last full week of September each year.
It provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, campuses and communities across North America to raise awareness about hazing and to promote hazing prevention.
NHPW is organized by HazingPrevention.Org, whose mission is to empower people to prevent hazing.
Click here for more Click here for information about National Hazing Prevention Week.