IACUC Personnel Requirements
All individuals (faculty, staff, and students--including the Principal Investigator) listed on an IACUC protocol must be appropriately qualified and trained to perform their assigned activities. Before an individual can be approved to work on an IACUC protocol, standard training is required for all personnel. Additional training should be specific to the animal species involved and the kind of animal-related interactions that will occur. The IACUC may, at its discretion, require additional training for any personnel prior to approving that individual to work on a protocol.
Additionally, the IACUC requires all individuals working with animals to be evaluated by a medical professional before beginning their work. This establishes the baseline health information of individuals prior to exposure, and identifies pre-existing conditions that might affect the individual's ability to safely perform the work. The evaluation may identify hazards requiring additional training or protective equipment.

Standard Training
Effective January 1, 2020, all individuals, including faculty, staff and students, listed on an IACUC protocol must complete the following requirements:
- CITI Animal Care and Use course: For instructions for logging into CITI, as well as further information related to using CITI at GVSU, follow the steps found on the GVSU CITI instructions page. If you have not previously been named on a GVSU IACUC protocol, select the "Animal Care and Use (Basic Course)". If you have been previously named on a GVSU IACUC protocol, select the "Animal Care and Use (Refresher Course)".
- CITI Responsible Conduct of Research course: For instructions for logging into CITI, as well as further information related to using CITI at GVSU, follow the steps found on the GVSU CITI instructions page. Select the "RCR - Concise" course.
- GVSU Laboratory Safety course: This can be completed either in-person or online via Blackboard.
- Online training: Email [email protected] to obtain access to the "Environmental Health and Safety Training" Blackboard course. Once you have been granted access, open the "Environmental Health and Safety Training" course under the "My Organizations" section of MyBb. Select "Training #1 - Lab Safety Training" from the course menu.
- In-person training: Follow the directions found on the Laboratory Safety course webpage.
- Medical evaluation form: Download and complete the Medical Questionnaire Form and follow the instructions to have the form reviewed by a health professional. (Note: If you want to utilize the electronic signature function of the form, download the form to your computer and open it in Adobe, rather than filling it out in the web browser.) Please allow at least a week for processing of medical forms submitted through Campus Health.
Expiration of Training
- The Animal Care and Use course and Responsible Conduct of Research course are valid for three years.
- Laboratory Safety training does not expire.
- A new medical evaluation form must be completed every five years and at any time the individual will be working with a new category of animals.
Non-GVSU Personnel
Individuals who are otherwise unaffiliated with GVSU and who are collaborating with GVSU personnel must either complete the same standard training requirements as GVSU personnel, or provide evidence they are appropriately qualified by training and experience for their designated protocol roles. This evidence includes knowledge of applicable laws, regulations, codes and guidance; relevant ethical and professional standards; and competency to conduct protocol activities such that interactions with the animals will minimize risks and ensure the well-being of the animals. The IACUC will determine if the submitted documentation is sufficient or if additional training is required.
Courses Involving Students Handling Animals
Some GVSU courses involve activities during which students handle live vertebrate animals. Such activities require IACUC approval prior to performing the activity in the course. Course instructors must be included as protocol personnel and must complete the required training described above. Students registered and participating in the course are not expected to be listed as protocol personnel, nor are they required to complete the training above. However, course instructors are responsible for providing sufficient training to prepare the students for the involvement in the activity (e.g., handling techniques to be used, etc.). The course instructor is also responsible for informing the students of any risk involved in the activity (e.g., allergies, specific risks related to handling of the specific animals, etc.).