Injury Services
Injury Evaluation
- A certified athletic trainer is available to look over any injuries you may have.
- These include both sudden injuries (such as twisting an ankle) and longer-term injuries (such as shoulder pain after lifting weights.)
- Through a series of questions and assessments, we will help determine the nature of your injury.

Acute Injury Care
- Our certified professional staff are available to help treat sudden injuries due to physical activity.
Basic Taping
- Our staff is available for taping of joints prior to athletic activity, by request.
- Remember that individuals must either bring their own supplies, or purchase them at the Injury Care Clinic.
Preventative Measures
- You don't need to wait until something is wrong to come see us!
- Our staff can also help with preventing injury due to physical activity.
Professional Referrals
- Although our staff are certified medical professionals, we do not have the resources for all types of assessments and services.
- In the event that additional assessments or treatments (such as an MRI) are needed, professional referrals can be made.
Stretching Techniques
- Stretching is often an important component of rehabilitation and injury prevention.
- Stretching techniques can be discussed and demonstrated as needed.
Treatment & Rehabilitation of Injuries
- After assessing the nature of your injury, our professional staff will help you determine the best course of action for your recovery.