Brooks College Advising Center
Registration season is here! Registration for Spring and Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Winter 2026 will open in late March. Make sure you meet with your advisor before your registration date to talk through your plans for classes, internships, study abroad, and other unique opportunities. Watch for an email from the Registrar notifying you of the date you will be able to register or find it on the 2025-2026 registration calendar:
If you are new to GVSU as a first-year student or a transfer student, you will need to meet with a professional advisor this semester in order to be able to register for 2024-2025 classes. You can watch for an email invitation to schedule an appointment or schedule yourself in Navigate. Required advising sessions will include conversation about your classes, major and minor selection, campus life, and resources to ensure you are successful on campus and ready to register for the next academic year.
Brooks Advising is offering virtual and in-person scheduled appointments: we can connect with you via email, phone, and Zoom or we can meet in person in our offices in Lake Michigan Hall 260. You can call 616-331-8200 to schedule an appointment, or easily see the next available appointment on Navigate.
Have you heard about GVSU’s new signature study abroad programs? Go with a group of GVSU students on one of these affordable, exciting new programs! All three locations include a free passport, a discounted program fee, and have excellent course options for Brooks majors and minors!
GVSU in South Korea:
GVSU in Costa Rica:
GVSU in Spain:
Meet with a study abroad advisor or attend an event to learn more about study abroad and international internships!
Interested in sustainability? Check out these cool immersive programs:
Wicked Water Problems in Traverse City
Beaver Island Field School
Water in the West
Remember to use your resources as you take on midterms!
The Knowledge Market is located in the library if you are working on a project, paper, or presentation. You can drop in or make an appointment with a consultant from the Writing Center, the Speech Lab, The Library Research Center, and the Digital Creator Lab. There’s even a citation station to make sure your citations are done correctly!
Check out the SASC resources for academic success to stay motivated in the second half of the semester! Academic Resources - Student Academic Success Center - Grand Valley State University
Get support if you’re struggling in a class! Try drop in tutoring if you need additional support in a specific class: Drop-In Tutoring - Tutoring - Grand Valley State University
If you need more consistent support, like a weekly appointment, try appointment tutoring!
Don’t study hungry! If you need support with basic needs like groceries, housing, or a laptop, GV has resources to help:
Remember, if you are new to GVSU as a first-year student or a transfer student, you will need to meet with a professional advisor this semester in order to be able to register for 2024-2025 classes. You can watch for an email invitation to schedule an appointment or schedule yourself in Navigate. Required advising sessions will include conversation about your classes, major and minor selection, campus life, and resources to ensure you are successful on campus and ready to register for the next academic year.
Advisors are your connection to resources and opportunities. Schedule your appointment today!
Do you need to request the INT 100/201 designation for your event, or see a list of events designated for INT 100 or INT 201? Click on the School of Interdisciplinary Studies link.
Schedule an appointment online (click on the Schedule An Appointment bar above)
Call (616) 331-8200, M-F, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Navigate How to Setup an Appointment
Student Outcomes for Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Advising Center.
Assessment of Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies - Advising Center Student Outcomes.
Open Door Discussion: Rethinking Access - What does accessibility mean for Disabled and LGBT communities? (APPROVED INT100/201)
March 11, 2025 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Join us for this student-led, Open Door Discussion about the intersection of disability and queer identities! What does accessibility mean? This event will be INT 100/201 approved. Zoom option...
Spring Cleaning Swap and Mend
March 12, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
After Spring Break, let's do some spring cleainng with a clothing swap party! Head to the PAC Lobby to swap out the old for something new-to-you! From 5:30 - 7:30, bring gently used,...
Is the Party Over? The Present and Future of American Party Politics (Lunch Event) (APPROVED INT 100/201)
March 13, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Have questions about this current political moment in the United States? The Hauenstein Center's Common Ground Initiative will convene a bipartisan panel to discuss the challenges facing both major...
Build Feminist Futures Symposium 2025
March 13, 2025 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
This Two day Symposium will feature Keynote Speaker Jocelyn Olcott, "The World will not be the same" with dinner to follow. Fridays speakers include: Dr. Jallicia Jolly “Black Feminist...
The World Will Not Be the Same: How the United Nations International Women's Year Shaped Transnational Feminisms (APPROVED INT 100)
March 13, 2025 4:00 PM
Jocelyn Olcott, author of International Women’s Year: The Greatest Consciousness Raising Event in History In mid-June1975, thousands of people converged on Mexico City for the United...