Giving to the Kaufman Institute
Kaufman Interfaith Institute (KII) is a recognized (Global/National/Local) leader in improving the critical need for Interfaith Understanding. Since its inception as a convener of Interfaith Dialogue for Abrahamic traditions, it has grown to serve people of all faiths, spiritual but no religion and those that have left their tradition but are eager to engage in Interfaith work and understanding. Because KII is intimately involved in impactful, meaningful work with such a broad variety of individuals (age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, abilities, etc.) we are uniquely poised to respond to urgent community issues and needs.
KII working through staff, volunteers and community partners serves more than 500 individuals working with more than 30 organizations annually. We directly engage with dozens of students (ages 13-21) through our programs both on-and-off campus. While we are housed at GVSU, with an endowment established by Sylvia Kaufman, our work since the early years has expanded exponentially. A contribution from you directly supports one of the 200 events and initiatives we produce annually.
Funds today are being raised for:
- Kaufman's K-12 Programming
- General Program Support (on and off campus activities)
Gifts of $100 or more will be recognized at the following levels:
- Friend $100 - $499
- Supporter $500 - $999
- Partner $1,000 - $4,999
- Benefactor $5,000 or more
Friends, Supporters, Partners, and Benefactors of the Kaufman Institute receive advance notices of special receptions and events. Please consider this opportunity to help bring understanding and peace as we seek respect for all persons in our increasingly diverse communities. To learn more, please contact Kyle Kooyers, Associate Director - [email protected] / 616-331-5718
Thank you very much for your interest and consideration!

I have supported Kaufman both financially and as a volunteer since its inception because, in this very polarized culture that seeks to divide, the work of the Institute provides forums for those of us who seek to broaden our community.
- Cary Fleischer
Thank You To Our Current Donors!
Community and Corporate Partners
Jesse Bernal and Samuel Moore
Riley Jensen and Pamela Kidd
Sylvia Kaufman
Fred P. and Katharine Keller
Douglas and Barbara Kindschi
Frank and Sharon VanHaven
The Fetzer Institute
Gentex Corporation
Interfaith America
MillerKnoll Foundation
One America Movement
Jim and Donna Brooks
Pamela Daugavietis
Cary Fleischer
Daniel Gleason and Daryl Fisher
Michael and Linda Hampton
Dorothy Johnson
Wallson and Rebecca Knack
Arend D. and Nancy Lubbers
John and Karen Meyers
Brent and Diane Slay
Richard and Mary Stevens
John and Maureen Stewart
Alan and Anna Alpert
David Baak and Betty Zylstra
Dominican Sisters - GR
Douglas and Joanie Dowling
Albert R. Dugan
Paula Gaylord
Grand Rapids Friends Meeting
Frances B. Hamilton
Janice B. Heerspink
John and Rita Kirkwood
Robert and Carol Lautenbach
Timothy and Ping Liang
Ali M. Metwalli
Ann D. Oom
Donald and Gayle Redding
Douglas and Carol Robinson
Milton and Barbara Rohwer
Karen A. Ruple
Robert and Marjorie Sligh, Jr.
Karen Henry Stokes
Jane L. Toot
Ann M. Trost
Donald and Barbara VanOstenberg
Stephen and Karin Waterbury
Westminster Presbyterian Church