Interfaith Reflection Rooms at GVSU
Thanks to resolutions by Student Senate and the University Academic Senate, the first Interfaith Reflection Room at GVSU was created in the Kirkhof Center in 2015. Now, there are three designated Interfaith Reflection Rooms on three different GVSU campuses. These spaces are designed for students, faculty, and staff of all faiths/non-faiths to practice their traditions authentically and safely on GVSU's campus.

Guidelines for use of the Interfaith Reflection Rooms
- All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to use these spaces while on campus.
- Each room is designated for silent reflection, prayer, etc. only.
- If your gathering cannot be conducted in silence, please contact Event Services at [email protected] to reserve another room.
- If you are able, please remove your shoes before entering the room. Many practitioners spend time on the floor, and we would like to keep them as clean as possible.
- Be cognizant and respectful of the personal space of others.
- Real candles, burning oils, incense, or other flammable items are not permitted.
- The posting or leaving of materials of any kind is not permitted. All materials left by anyone other than the Kaufman Interfaith Institute will be removed and disposed of.
- An assortment of religious/spiritual texts can be found in each room. Please return these texts to the shelf when you are finished.
- If you would like to inquire about including additional materials, please contact the Kaufman Interfaith Institute at [email protected].
- If you have any general concerns about this space, please let us know at [email protected].
- If you've had a moment where you felt belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on your identity, report a Bias Incident.
- If you feel that you are being discriminated against based on your faith or non-faith tradition, report a discrimination or harassment complaint.
- If you feel that your safety is being threatened, contact Public Safety at (616) 331-3255 or 911.
Kirkhof Center, Room 2243