Know the cause. Take the pledge. Share your why.
Take the Pledge
I pledge to participate in building a stronger and healthier GVSU Laker community by upholding values of inclusion, integrity, and community at all times, finding safe ways to intervene in situations that may cause harm, and taking personal responsibility for the well-being of others.
YOU can make the difference!
A Campus Climate Incident is defined as any instance where someone feels belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on their identity. You may report Campus Climate Incident online or by phone or in person with Stacy Piasecki, Lead Civil Rights Investigator & Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, regardless of their real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression. University members may seek supportive measures, university investigations, and/or campus modifications designed to protect student safety.
The University Counseling Center is committed to improving the mental health of the GVSU student body. The UCC provides services including individual counseling, group counseling, consultation, and urgent crisis appointments free of charge to all currently enrolled students.
The Dean of Students Office serves as an information resource and problem-solving center for students and faculty. It also serves a an advocate for student concerns, provides support services for returning adult students, and coordinates the CARE referral system.
Alcohol & Other Drugs Services assists students with making informed decisions about alcohol and other drugs. AOD also provides support for those that need help changing their substance use, including individual and group counseling, coaching, and on-campus Alcoholics Anonymous, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and SMART Recovery meetings.
Alcohol poisoning and drug overdose are serious and life threatening medical emergencies. GVSU wants to encourage students to seek appropriate help in emergency situations. Student Amnesty allows current GVSU students to avoid formal university disciplinary action and the creation of a formal disciplinary record when they call for help during an alcohol or drug-related emergency. If you suspect alcohol poisoning or drug overdose, call 911 immediately.
Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, regardless of their real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression. University members may seek supportive measures, university investigations, and/or campus modifications designed to protect student safety.
The Center for Women and Gender Equity advocates for gender justice through the education, engagement, and empowerment of women, gender diverse students, and the greater GVSU community. They also offer leadership, service, and learning opportunities.
Experiencing violence, whether it is sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and/or harassment can be incredibly difficult. GVSU's Victim & Survivor Advocacy is here to support you. The role of the Victim Advocate is to provide nonjudgmental, confidential support to student survivors of gender-based violence which plays a critical role in the healing process of a victim/survivor. The Victim Advocate does not report any incidents of gender-based violence to Title IX and/or GVPD.
Replenish Basic Needs Center helps connect students with assistance and services to ensure all have access to basic needs including food, housing, financial support, health services, technology, and more.
The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships can help students maximize their investment by helping determine how to most effectively meet their unique needs. They assist students with the financial aid process, scholarships, student employment, and financial literacy.
Student Employment works with all University departments and the community to create part-time and summer employment opportunities for students. The purpose of Student Employment is to aid students in obtaining employment that will help finance their education and develop work skills for their future career choice.
GVSU offers many on-campus housing options for students of any academic standing. Housing and Residence Life strives to provide resources and opportunities for student learning and success by building inclusive residential communities.
Why do YOU keep Lakers safe?
Magdalyn's Testimony
Joi's Testimony
Jon's Testimony
"It is our responsibility to keep GV safe and to help our students be healthy and successful!"
Alisha Davis, Staff
"Taking care of one another is essential for a thriving GV community."
Megan Wierenga, Staff
"I keep Lakers safe because I love GVSU, and want to make sure our community stays a safe place for students to thrive!"
Mikaela Padgen, Staff
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