About LAAN


The LAAN serves as a catalyst for promoting a culture of supportive and resourceful academic advising that engages the GVSU academic advising community, builds collaborative relationships across advising centers, and promotes evidence-based practices that enhance and streamline GVSU’s dynamic academic advising services.


The LAAN seeks to fulfill its mission by striving to:

  1. Promote individual and professional growth of the membership for the benefit of students, advisors, and the university as a whole
  2. Create pathways for the implementation of evidence-based academic advising practices.
  3. Provide consistent advising experiences for students across the university.
  4. Welcome and engage all new academic advisors in standardized training opportunities.
  5. Optimize the usage of technology tools across the university.


  • The LAAN provides membership to any academic advisor, faculty member, administrator, counselor, or graduate student (hereafter ‘academic advisors’) who have duties associated with academic advising.
  • The LAAN seeks to create workflow efficiencies in advising at GVSU resulting in a return on investment for all advising centers and the university.
  • The LAAN offers opportunities for the membership to serve on committees that meet in person twice per semester and utilizes online communication through university technologies as needed.

Background Information

The Laker Academic Advising Network (LAAN) is a membership-led organization that works with the University Academic Advising Leadership Council (UAALC) to support and enhance academic advising on campus. It was established in the 2019/20 academic year to support the original 2005/06 University-wide Academic Advising Self-Study and to build upon the Academic Advising Structure and Charges implemented in 2011/12. Whereas University administration and academic advising leadership drive the strategic oversight for academic advising services and programs, the LAAN provides the structure for advisors to promote excellence and actively invest in the future development of academic advising at GVSU.

Page last modified February 26, 2025