15th Annual MIPERC Conference
held virtually, September 13 and 14, 2024

Hosted by
The College of Health Professions
Conference Keynote Speakers
Dr. Anthony Breitbach

Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, FASAHP, FNAP
"Updated Interprofessional Core Competencies:
An Opportunity for Renewal and Growth"
9:00 - 10:00 am, Friday, September 13
Dr. Anthony Breitbach is a Professor, Certified Athletic Trainer and Director of Interprofessional Education at Saint Louis University after serving as Director of the Athletic Training Program in the Doisy College of Health Sciences for 15 years. A native of Dubuque, Iowa; Dr. Breitbach graduated from the Athletic Training Program at the University of Iowa in 1985, received a Master’s degree from the University of Florida in 1987 and a PhD from SLU in 2007. In 2023, he was honored with the Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Educator Award by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. He is a Distinguished Fellow and serves as President-Elect of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) after serving as the inaugural Chair of the NAP Athletic Training Academy. He is an Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions (ASAHP) Fellow and chairs their Interprofessional Committee as well as representing them on Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Core Competencies Revision Work Group. He served on the Executive Committee of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) and helps lead Communication working groups for Interprofessional.Global and Interprofessional Research.Global. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care; Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Public Health Education and Promotion; and serves on the Scientific Committee for All Together Better Health Health XI in Doha, Qatar. He is President-Elect of the Alpha Eta National Allied Health Honor Society and is a Peer Reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission.
Dr. Hossein Khalili

Hossein Khalili, BScN, MScN, PhD, FNAP
"Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges:
Harnessing the Transformative Power of IDEA & SJ in
Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice"
9:00 - 10:30 am, Saturday, September 14
Dr. Hossein Khalili, BScN, MScN, PhD, FNAP is an internationally recognized scholar, expert, and visionary leader in the field of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP), healthcare resilience and transformation. He serves as the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Administration, School of Health Sciences, Winston-Salem State University, the President of InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global), an Adjunct Research Professor at Western University, a Member of AIHC Program Committee and Innovation Taskforce, and a Member of the Public Policy and Fourm Planning Committees of the National Academies of Practice. Dr. Khalili also serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional care, JIEP and HIE&P. Previously, he served as the Director of the UW Centre of Interprofessional Practice and Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Thank you to our university and community members!
MIPERC 15th Annual Conference Committee
Jillian Graves, PhD, LMSW–Eastern Michigan University
Denise Ludwig, PhD, CCC-SLP, FNAP, ACUE–Grand Valley State University
Amy Malheim, MS–Central Michigan University
Hannah Edwards, MHM–University of Michigan
Barbara Wise, PhD, FNP-BC, RN–Indiana Wesleyan University