Courses in Global Cultures & Language Learning
Italian Courses
ITA 101 - Beginning Italian I: Language and Culture
An introduction to Italian language and culture. Practice in speaking, listening, reading, writing at the novice level. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. No more than two years of high school Italian, or permission of instructor. Students are strongly encouraged to take the free Placement Exam in the Language Resource Center prior to registering. Offered fall semester.
Credits: 4
ITA 102 - Beginning Italian II: Language and Culture
Continuation of ITA 101. Practice in speaking, listening, reading, and writing at Novice and Intermediate levels. Italian culture integrated throughout. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. Students who did not complete ITA 101 at GVSU are strongly encouraged to take the free Placement Test in the Language Resource Center prior to registering. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in ITA 101, or credit, or appropriate placement test score.
Credits: 4
ITA 201 - Intermediate Italian I: Language and Culture
Continuation of ITA 102. Practice in speaking, listening, reading, and writing at the intermediate level. Italian culture integrated throughout. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. Offered fall semester. Prerequisites: C (not C-) or better in ITA 102, or credit, or appropriate placement test score (free in the Language Resource Center).
Credits: 4
ITA 202 - Intermediate Italian II: Language and Culture
Continued practice in speaking, listening, reading, writing at the Intermediate level. Emphasis on real-life communication. Review of grammar and expansion of vocabulary. Focus on Italian culture through authentic texts and multimedia materials. Fulfills Cultures - Global Perspectives. Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in ITA 201, or credit, permission of the instructor, or appropriate placement test score (free in the Language Resource Center).
Credits: 4
ITA 280 - Special Topics in Italian
Class offered on a special topic related to Italian.
Credits: 1 to 4
ITA 380 - Special Topics in Italian
Course content varies. Refer to schedule of classes to determine course description and prerequisites. Students may repeat this course under different topics.
Credits: 1 to 9
Japanese Courses
JPN 101 - Beginning Japanese I: Language and Culture
An introduction to Japanese language and the culture in which it is embedded. Practice in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture at the beginning level. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. Offered fall semester.
Credits: 4
JPN 102 - Beginning Japanese II: Language and Culture
Continuation of JPN 101. Further study in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture at the beginning level. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in JPN 101 or instructor approval based on interview.
Credits: 4
JPN 150 - Accelerated Beginning Japanese I and II: Language and Culture
One semester accelerated beginning Japanese for students with prior study. Requires prior ability to actively use hiragana and katakana. Covers the same material as JPN 101 and JPN 102. Course offered fall semester. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Credits: 4
JPN 180 - Special Topics in Japanese
Course content varies. Expectations of students approximate those in other 100-level courses. May be repeated for credit when content differs. Offered on sufficient demand.
Credits: 1 to 4
JPN 201 - Intermediate Japanese I: Language and Culture
Continuation of JPN 102 or JPN 150. Continued study of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture at the intermediate level. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in JPN 102 or instructor approval based on interview.
Credits: 4
JPN 202 - Intermediate Japanese II: Language and Culture
Continuation of JPN 201. Continued study of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture at the intermediate level. Supplemented by multimedia and the Language Resource Center. Fulfills Cultures - Global Perspectives. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in JPN 201.
Credits: 4
JPN 221 - Pre-modern Japanese Literature and Culture (to 1600)
This course explores Japanese literature and culture from antiquity to 1600. Readings will consist primarily of primary sources in English translation, including literature, history, philosophy, religion, art, and theater. No prior knowledge of Japanese is required. Fulfills foundations - Philosophy and Literature. Fulfills Cultures - Global Perspectives. Offered winter semester, every third year.
Credits: 3
JPN 222 - Early Modern Japanese Literature and Theatre (1600-1868)
This course explores Japanese literature and theatre during the Edo Period, from 1600 through the end of the 19th century. Readings will consist primarily of literary and theatrical works in English translation as well as history, philosophy, religion, art, etc. No prior knowledge of Japanese is required. Fulfills Foundations - Arts. Fulfills Cultures - Global Perspectives. Offered winter semester, every third year.
Credits: 3
JPN 224 - Post-World War II Japan through Literature and Film
This course examines contemporary Japan through the lens of literature and film from the end of the Pacific War in 1945 to the present. Readings consist mainly of primary sources in English translation. No prior knowledge of Japanese is necessary. Fulfills Foundations - Philosophy and Literature. Fulfills Cultures - Global Perspectives. Offered fall semester, every other year.
Credits: 3
JPN 280 - Special Topics in Japanese
Course content varies. Expectations of students approximate those in other 200-level courses. May be repeated for credit when content differs. No more than four credits can be applied to the minor or major. Offered on sufficient demand.
Credits: 1 to 4
JPN 301 - Advanced Intermediate Japanese
As a continuation of Japanese 202 - Intermediate Japanese II, students will use the basic language skills developed in the first two years to discuss Japanese culture in the target language, developing linguistic accuracy and sophistication, expanding their range of familiar topics and vocabulary, and enhancing cultural awareness and sensitivity. Offered fall semester. Prerequisites: JPN 202 or appropriate placement test score.
Credits: 3
JPN 302 - Advanced Intermediate Japanese II
This course is a continuation of Advanced Intermediate Japanese (JPN 301). Offered winter semester. Prerequisites: JPN 301 or appropriate placement test score.
Credits: 3
JPN 323 - Modern Japanese Literature and Film
This course examines Japan's modern period through the lens of literature and film from the Meiji Restoration in 1868 until the end of the Pacific War in 1945. Readings consist mainly of primary sources in English translation. No prior knowledge of Japanese is necessary. Fulfills Cultures - Global Perspectives. Part of the Identity Issue. Offered winter semester, every third year. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Credits: 3
JPN 380 - Special Topics in Japanese
Offered on sufficient demand.
Credits: 3
JPN 386 - Traditional Japanese Theater
Of varying focus, the course makes use of the history, culture, and society of a host country in order to highlight disciplinary perspectives in context. To be taught in that country (or countries) as part of an approved study abroad program. By permit only. Credit may vary.
Credits: 3
JPN 399 - Independent Reading
Offered fall and winter semesters.
Credits: 1 to 4
JPN 480 - Special Topics in Japanese
Course content varies. Expectations of students approximate those in other 400-level courses. May be repeated for credit when content differs. Offered on sufficient demand.
Credits: 1 to 4

Modern Languages and Literature (MLL) Courses
MLL 100 - How to Learn a Foreign Language
This course is designed to teach beginning world language students how to become successful language learners. Students will be introduced to strategies for understanding, learning and producing language and functioning in a foreign culture, they will also learn to set their own goals and assess their own progress. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in any world or classical language (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, or Spanish) 101, 102, 150, or 201.
Credits: 1
MLL 180 - Language and YOU
The course is designed for students seeking to explore the values of knowing a second language through intercultural exploration and personal reflections, community outreach and career. The emphasis is put on building cultural competency knowledge by exploring some aspects of the world cultures and interpreting its meaning in personal and public life. Course taught in English. No textbook required. No prerequisites.
Credits: 1
MLL 300 - What's Language Got To Do With It?: Exploring Identity Through Language, Culture, and Literature
Students will discover the impact of language, literature, and culture in the formation of identity. Discussion will be based on literary works and films from the different languages and regions of the world taught in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. All materials are in translation. Part of the Identity Issue. Course offered fall and winter semesters. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Credits: 3