Pre-Physician Assistant Club

Mission Statement
To provide a support network for students interested in becoming Physician Assistants. To familiarize students with the admission process and profession such that they are better prepared to enter a Physician Assistant graduate program.
What does the GVSU Pre-PA Club Do?
- Meet every other Wednesday on the Allendale campus: 103 Loutit Lecture Hall.
- Answer any questions club members have about the profession.
- Invite health professionals to speak to the club and answer any questions club members may have.
- Participate in club fundraisers and GVSU activities.
- Tour PA school campuses.
- Meet with current GVSU PA students to discuss their experiences.
- Educate the club members about the PAS application, admission, and interview process.
Contact Information and Officers
Club email: [email protected]
President - Mila Tasma [email protected]
Vice President - Alicia Cruz [email protected]
Treasurer - Sia Patel [email protected]
Secretary - Claire Gehringer [email protected]
Resource Coordinator - Abby Hrobsky [email protected]
Communications Chair - Julie Fiser [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: Andy Booth [email protected]

Find us on our club website at AND join the Pre-Physician Assistant Club on LakerLink for club emails and announcements!