Medical Mask Project
About the Medical Mask Project
Faculty, staff, and students from the Grand Valley State University School of Engineering (SOE) and applied Medical Device Institute (aMDI), along with members of their families, have banded together to design and sew facial masks in response to the shortage of supplies for medical professionals responding to the coronavirus outbreak. The efforts would not have been possible without the leadership of Alison vanMelle, a local seamstress who led the sewing operations and trained over a dozen volunteers.
The medical mask volunteer team created approximately 1,000 masks which were donated to American Family Care urgent care, Cherry Health System, Beacon Networks, as well as other institutes and individuals in need.
Although sewing is no longer taking place, GVSU is committed to the health and safety of our communities. Should a need arise, sewing may resume. Additionally, if you wish to make a contribution to the project, you can make a financial donation to help cover costs associated with this project.

Give a Gift
There is a cost for materials that the university is currently funding, but additional resources are needed to cover the cost of this important work. We are trying to raise $5,000. Can you help? A gift of any size is appreciated! Thank you for helping Grand Valley help our community. We're in this together!

To Our Volunteers: Thank You for Everything!
Our preferred method for producing the masks was an assembly line set up in the Innovation Design Center (IDC) on the GVSU Pew Grand Rapids Campus. This arrangement was ideal because it allows us to produce the masks more quickly and ensure quality control during the process. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help produce masks during the production phase of this project. Although we are no longer producing masks at this time, it is possible that production may resume should a need arise.