Our Legacy
Grand Valley State University has named the College of Engineering in honor of Seymour and Esther Padnos to recognize their commitment to creating an environment where students and faculty can reach their full potential in the field of Engineering and Computing. It is the aim of the University to inspire future engineering/computing students to live up to the personal and professional ideals of the Padnos family.
The Padnos College was established on July 1, 2004 as part of the academic reorganization at GVSU. The College included the School of Engineering, the School of Computing, the Occupational Safety and Health Management Department, and the Professional Science Masters Program. Prior to the reorganization, the Padnos School of Engineering and the Department of Computer Science & Information Systems were both elements of the Science & Mathematics Division at Grand Valley State University.
In July 2024, the Padnos College of Engineering and the College of Computing became independent units. The Padnos College of Engineering houses the School of Engineering and the Occupational Safety and Health Management Department.

Mission, Vision, & Values
The mission of the Seymour and Esther Padnos College of Engineering is to prepare undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and occupational safety and health to become accomplished professionals; to contribute to our professions through active scholarship in all of its forms; and to support the university and society with expertise, leadership, and service.
- Prepare students to compete in today's global economy by emphasizing experiential learning in a contemporary technical environment
- Prepare students for the future by emphasizing sound principles
- Emphasize a strong technical background enhanced by effective communication skills
- Provide working professionals with the opportunity for continuous professional development
- Imbue students with a strong sense of "the public good" and their own professional responsibility to the public good
- Strive to be an example and an inspiration to develop competence, courage, and compassion with unquestioned integrity
Our values reflect our educational mission. We are an academic community in a nation, which the intrinsic value of each individual is taken as fundamental. Thus we strive to provide an environment in which each member of our academic community- student, staff member, and faculty- can reach their fullest potential.

For more information, visit the ABET website Why Accreditation Matters.
The B.S.E. in Computer Engineering is accredited under the General Criteria and Computer Engineering Program Criteria by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 - telephone: (410) 347-7700,
The B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering is accredited under the General Criteria and Electrical Engineering Program Criteria by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 - telephone: (410) 347-7700,
The B.S.E. in Interdisciplinary Engineering is accredited under the General Criteria and Engineering Program Criteria by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 - telephone: (410) 347-7700,
The B.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering is accredited under the General Criteria and Mechanical Engineering Program Criteria by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 - telephone: (410) 347-7700,
The B.S.E. in Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering is accredited under the General Criteria and Manufacturing Engineering Program Criteria by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 - telephone: (410) 347-7700,
The B.S. in Occupational Safety and Health Management is accredited under the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 - telephone: (410) 347-7700,
PCE History
The Padnos College of Engineering and Computing was established on July 1, 2004 as part of the academic reorganization at GVSU. The College includes the School of Engineering, the School of Computing, the Occupational Safety and Health Management Department, and coordination of the Professional Science Masters Programs. Prior to the reorganization, the Padnos School of Engineering and the Department of Computer Science & Information Systems and the Occupational Safety program were all elements of the Science & Mathematics Division at Grand Valley State University.
The current elements of the Padnos College are housed within the college based upon, and leveraging, the common foundational elements of offering professional, practice oriented programs, integrated experiential learning through internship, cooperative education, graduate practicum, project based learning, and accreditation by ABET. The applied R&D centers within the college were developed to capitalize on our close relationships with our community partners to provide support for the companies while providing experiential learning opportunities and financial support for our students, and professional opportunities for our faculty.
Shortly after its founding, the new college of 47 permanent full time faculty in 2004-2005 began growing. After a decade, the college had 69 faculty in 2014-2015. Additional lines in response to enrollments led to 95 faculty for the 2022-2023 academic year. The timeline for major developmental elements of the Padnos College, our programs, and units include:
Prior to 1988 Science and Mathematics Division included:
- Mathematics and Computer Science Department
- Physics Department - Engineering program housed within this department
- Occupational Safety & Health Management Program
1976 OSH Major introduced
1979 Mandatory Internship introduced in OSH program
1983 Computer Science Major introduced
- Systems Analysis emphasis
- Information Systems emphasis
1984 Computer Science Major adds Secondary or K-12 Certification
1986 Engineering programs developed in collaboration with industry partners
- First engineering students enrolled
- Mandatory co-op a foundational element
1988 School of Engineering is established and separated from the Physics Department
- Capital and some faculty costs funded via private donors
- Engineering moves to the newly constructed Eberhard Center – the first academic building in Grand Rapids
- Mike Kavanaugh is named Director
1988 MS in Computer Information Systems introduced
1989 First ABET accreditation BSE Major
- Electrical Emphasis
- Mechanical Emphasis
1991 Paul Plotkowski is named Director of the School of Engineering
- Computer Science & Information Systems Department is established and separated from the Mathematics Department
- Bruce Klein is named Chair
- Order of the Engineer Link #134 established and first Iron Ring Ceremony
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon chapter established
1994 Introduction of BSE Manufacturing Emphasis (accredited 1997)
1993 Padnos International Design Competition for environmentally responsible engineering senior design projects, Louis and Helen Padnos Foundation
1996 Padnos School of Engineering named for Seymour & Esther Padnos
- Establishment of Padnos Endowment
1998 Master of Science in Engineering introduced
1998 Mandatory Internship added to computing majors
1999 Introduction of BSE Computer Emphasis (accredited 2010)
2001 Paul Leidig is named Chair of Computer Science and Information Systems
- Introduction of BSE Interdisciplinary Engineering Emphasis
- First year of STEPS summer camp2024 KEEN C
2003 Academic and Student Affairs Division undergoes reorganization process
- Seymour and Esther Padnos College of Engineering and Computing is established
- Paul Plotkowski is named Dean
- Academic units:
- School of Computing
- School of Engineering
- Programs:
- 3 undergraduate majors (CS, EGR, IS) serving 1,107 declared majors, 120 degrees granted.
- 2 grad degrees (CIS, EGR) serving 137 declared students, 43 degrees granted.
- Academic units:
- Paul Plotkowski is named Dean
- MI Lambda Chapter of Tau Beta Pi established
- Articulated BSE/MSE program introduced (later renamed combined degree program)
2006 MS in Health Informatics & Bioinformatics introduced (under original title: Medical & Bioinformatics)
- Kennedy Hall of Engineering Opens
- DOER Center established
2008 Sebastian Chair of Engineering Cooperative Education & Education Development established
- ABET Accreditation of BS (and BA) in Computer Science (BA later discontinued)
- ABET Accreditation of BS (and BA) in Information Systems (BA later discontinued)
2010 Established Biomedical Engineering Minor and Master’s programs
2011 Separate accredited majors were established (following 2010 ABET review) within the BSE degree
- Computer Engineering Major
- Electrical Engineering Major
- Interdisciplinary Engineering Major
- Mechanical Engineering Major
- Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering Major
- EMC Center inaugurated
- School of Engineering programs recognized as Exemplar of Real World Engineering Education by the National Academy of Engineering
- School of Engineering programs recognized by ASEE for Going the Distance, providing best practices and proven strategies for retaining students
- School of Engineering programs recognized by ASEE for Going the Distance, providing best practices and proven strategies for retaining students
- Occupational Safety and Health moved from CHP to PCEC
- PSM Program organization moved from CLAS to PCEC
- Industry Sponsored Graduate Fellow Program established
- School of CIS first named #1 Best College for the Money in the US by College Factual (also ranked #1 the following 2 years)
2015 aMDI established
2017 Data Science MS introduced
- Information Technology Major Introduced
- Applied Computing Institute (ACI) established
- BS in Cybersecurity Introduced
- MS in Cybersecurity Introduced
- Shape Innovation & Design Center opens
- First ABET accreditation for OSH major
- Official designation of Power Mobility Lab
- GVSU become MI coordinator for
2021 GVSU – HBCU / HSI Consortium launched
- 11 undergraduate majors (CS, Cyb, IS, IT, Bio-EGR, CE, EE, IntEGR, ME, OSH, Prod Design & Mfg. EGR) serving 1,831 declared majors, 288 degrees granted.
- 5 graduate degrees (ACS, Cyb, DSA, HIB, EGR) serving 376 declared students, 106 degrees granted.
- Several minor programs and a wide variety of digital badge programs.
- BAS Degrees launched
- Technology Project Management
- Web Design & Development
- Institute for Applied Cybersecurity in development
- Padnos College of Engineering and College of Computing become separate colleges. The Padnos College of Engineering is composed of the School of Engineering and the Occupational Safety and Health Department.