Connor Gillis '21
The Sechia Breakfast Series. An introduction at one of the breakfasts allowed one connection to another, which landed me an internship, provided me with a full-time position, and provided me with my current job.
There are various ways to stay involved with the Padnos College of Engineering after graduation. Volunteer to assist with one of our many K-12 outreach events; sign up for the GVSU alumni speakers bureau and share your expertise in the classroom; support current students by providing co-op, internship, or project experiences; stay informed by subscribing to our newsletters and following us on social media, and give back to the college so that we can develop the next generation of engineering, and occupational safety experts!
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Grand Valley State University is committed to continuing to connect with and provide resources to alumni. The university provides a variety of resources to alumni including lifetime career center access and many networking opportunities. Stay connected to fellow GVSU alumni, take advantage of a $1000 scholarship to come back to Grand Valley for future classes, and use the resources available to you to further your career!
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The Sechia Breakfast Series. An introduction at one of the breakfasts allowed one connection to another, which landed me an internship, provided me with a full-time position, and provided me with my current job.
A favorite GVSU memory was creating and curating a student art show with my friend (also art teacher) Michelle Haapala. As art education majors, a final show was not part of our degree, but we wanted to show what our students could do.
I formed a singer-songwriter trio in 1976 and we performed around campus, singing some favorite songs from the mid-70's. Then, we started writing our own tunes - my English background served me well:)
One of my favorite memories was when the Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization was recognized as the Most Improved Student Organization. After three years as Vice President of Marketing, it was incredibly rewarding to see our hard work acknowledged.
I have so many memories! One of the top ones would be watching our football team win the game that sent them to nationals! The goal post got taken down by the fans rushing the field and we got to take a picture with it.