GVSU Grants for Faculty & Staff
The Padnos International Center offers a wide-range of grants to support faculty, staff, and departmental interests in developing international activities. The following grant programs are designed to encourage faculty and staff to engage in collaborative educational exchanges with GVSU’s international partners, work towards GVSU’s internationalization goals, and to increase our understanding of different education systems and cultures around the world.
Grant recipients are expected to incorporate their experiences abroad into their work at GVSU and to be advocates for international exchange within our campus community.
Fulbright Grant
Fulbright scholar grants provide support for faculty to spend time teaching and/or researching in another country. Typically, funds are also provided for dependents/family of the awardee to live abroad. The United States government supports the Fulbright Program in an effort to promote academic exchange and mutual understanding between the world’s nations.
Each year two or more GVSU faculty have been successful in securing Fulbright awards. You may be next! Faculty that have an upcoming sabbatical scheduled should consider applying for a traditional Fulbright scholar grant.
Grant Awardees: Important Information
All Faculty/Staff who have been awarded a grant from the Padnos International Center are asked to review the following information.
Prior to Departure
Faculty/Staff Travel Checklist
Enroll in International Accident and Sickness Insurance with 24/7 emergency assistance and $0 deductible for just $1.46 per day.
Faculty/Staff Emergency Contact Information (please enter your information)
Upon Return