Invoice and/or W-9 Submissions

Please use this form to submit your invoice (and/or W9) to the Regional Math & Science Center/CCEL for programs such as CS for Michigan, SCRIPT, MiSTEM Greater West Michigan Region, MiSTEM 99s7, Region 12 Michigan Science Olympiad, and RMSC Camps. If you have any questions regarding your invoice before you submit, please email Shelly Micho at [email protected]. To ensure prompt payment, please include the following:

Invoice must be addressed as follows:

Grand Valley State University
Regional Math & Science Center
B-3-226 Mackinac Hall, 1 Campus Dr
Allendale, MI 49401

Include the following details:

  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Number
  • Vendor / "Pay to the Order of" Details
  • Billing Details (date of service, date incurred, item description, program you are billing under if applicable)
  • Total Amount Due
  • Back up information for costs if applicable (i.e. agreements, order receipts, paid receipts, teacher names, etc). Please note: If you are billing for reimbursement of workshop meals you must include a participant/attendance list as your backup information.
  • You must have a current W9 form on file. Please be sure your form is signed and dated before uploading.

Please note: Invoices will begin processing within five business days of submission. Processing may take up to 30 days from date of submission. If there is a delay in processing, you will receive an email notification.

* denotes a required field

Submission Details

Human Verification *

Page last modified February 13, 2025