Services Available

GVSU Students and GVSU Faculty/Staff
Faculty: Any faculty member working on research is welcome to schedule an appointment in the SCC. Doing so has the advantage of tapping the expertise of Statistics faculty and providing consultation experience for Graduate and Undergraduate students. Students: Students can make an appointment to meet with consultants to discuss current research work as well as class projects that involve experimental design or statistical procedures. The student's research advisor must indicate in writing (email to [email protected]) the level and amount of assistance that can be rendered by the SCC. Similarly, with any class project, the student's instructor must indicate in writing the level and amount of assistance that can be rendered by the SCC. Notification by research advisor or instructor should be submitted before the student's appointment in the SCC. Students conducting human subjects research will also need to review documents from the HRRC. For a quick read see [ HRRC Guide] Students seeking help for class work should inquire at the Math/Stats Lab.
Non-GVSU Individuals, Businesses, or Organizations
Researchers, students from other universities, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to contact the Consulting Center about research and data analysis consulting.
The initial consultation session will be provided without fee by the SCC. If additional help is desired, the SCC Director will solicit the members of the Statistics faculty for potential involvement in the project. Any fee structure will be negotiated between the client and the statistician.
Acknowledgment and Co-authorship
The Statistical Consulting Center should be acknowledged in any paper or presentation for which the Consulting Center gives advice. If a considerable amount of work is done by the SCC on any research project, the consultant(s) from the SCC should be named as co-author(s). For details regarding acknowledgement and co-authorship policies, contact the director, at [email protected]