Seidman Alumni Network

Welcome! If you’re looking to broaden and deepen your professional network – you’ve come to the right place. The Seidman College of Business Alumni Network is an active and engaged group of undergraduate and graduate alumni who are committed to providing support and connections to fellow Lakers. From offering the Secchia Breakfast Series to providing Seidman Alumni Socials to coordinating Alums in the Classroom, this group maintains a close relationship with the College, the University, students, alumni and the community at large!

Get involved by selecting the Stay Connected button under the Popular Alumni Pages heading. Be sure to follow the Seidman College of Business on our social media platforms as another way to stay in the loop and engage in the conversation. Go Lakers! 

All Seidman Events

Employer Showcase: H&S Companies, PC

March 13, 2025 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Stop by the Seidman College of Business Second Floor Lobby anytime between 9:30am and 2pm to meet representatives from H&S Companies, PC! Want to learn about exciting career opportunities...

616 Service Night, Led by IPO, All Students Welcome!

March 13, 2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

IPO is hosting a 616 Service Night, and all students are encouraged to participate. IPO is teaming up with other organizations on campus to serve local groups in the Grand Rapids area. The event will...

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Seidman Alumni Features

Allow us to feature you! We love sharing stories about all of the great things our alumni are involved in! Share your story by submitting the 'Alumni in 5' Questionnaire below.

GVSU 'Alumni in 5' Questionnaire

Danielle Harris '11 Spotlight

Danielle Harris '11

I have so many amazing memories from my time at Grand Valley. I was a resident assistant for several years, and I always loved throwing Halloween parties. But mostly, I cherish the memories I have hanging out with friends at Fresh Foods eating Laker Bowls

Erik Elwell '22 Spotlight

Erik Elwell '22

My favorite memories from Grand Valley are the football tailgates at Canvas with my friends.

Jamie Belt '19 Spotlight

Jamie Belt '19

One of my accounting professors (Sopariwala) once sat with me for 2 hours straight to help me understand my homework and prepare for the final exam. After he graded mine, he emailed me to let me know he was proud of my grade.

Michael Peuler '77 Spotlight

Michael Peuler '77

As I was a military veteran and married when I entered GVSC, I was driven to excel in my education. The professors were excellent and I loved walking the then rough campus, including ropes to assist on the sidewalks in the winter.

Megan Hanselman '18 Spotlight

Megan Hanselman '18

My favorite memory of being a Grand Valley Student is being a Resident Assistant (RA) for two years. This is a very competitive opportunity that I was fortunate to be a part of for 2 years.

Manfred Tatzmann '70 Spotlight

Manfred Tatzmann '70

Experiencing the wild late 60's Viet Nam era on campus. TJC, although I was not part of it. Being a co-founder of WGVSU radio with two other students. We had a studio in the basement of Seidman and ran it over the cable throughout campus.

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Page last modified September 20, 2023