Seidman Student Organizations

Publicize your student org event right from the Admiral platform!
Seidman Student Organization Events
Seidman Student Organization Executive Board members may submit
events in Admiral to be shared with the Seidman community and
students. Add your event so you can track attendance and earn points
towards Student Org badges, professional competencies, and prizes!
Submit your flier for distribution in Admiral and we will email
students, add it to the Seidman calendar and post on plasma
screens in the building!
• LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION...Don't submit your event until
you know where it is going to be held!
• Flier slides must be
in a Landscape/ Horizontal Format (1080 x 1920) to be posted to
plasma screens.
• Please plan ahead! If you want an event
announcement sent out we need it at least three days prior to the event.
Don't Forget to Tag Yourself to Your Student Org in Admiral!!!
Be sure to tag yourself to your student orgs in Admiral! This tracks each student org's activities and student involvement.
Seidman Student Organization Descriptions
Check out our Seidman Student Organizations
Need to update your student organization's description, membership or information below? Submit Updates
Photo Release Form
Release Form for Advertising, Publicity, and Display Materials Group Photo Release Form
Seidman Student Organization |
Meeting Information |
American Marketing Association (AMA) |
Tuesdays at 6 p.m. | Seidman Forum
Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) |
Thursday at 6:00 p.m. or pre-recorded lectures
Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization (CEO) |
Bi-weekly Mondays at 5:30 p.m. | Seidman Room 1127 |
Delta Sigma Pi |
Economics Club linktree ECO Instagram @gvsu.econclub |
Every other Thursday 6pm | SCB 3001 and virtual every other Friday 12pm (contact for zoom link) |
Enterprise Systems Student Union (ESSU) |
Tuesdays at 6 p.m. | Seidman 2022 |
Phi Chi Theta - Zeta Epsilon Chapter |
Sundays at 7 p.m. | Varies between Grand Rapids & Allendale |
Professional Sales Association (PSA) |
Tuesdays (bi-weekly) at 6 p.m. | Seidman |
Real Estate Club |
Wednesdays at 6 pm | Location Varies |
Seidman Sustainability Association |
Bi-weekly Tuesdays at 6pm | Seidman Building (check exact locations on SSA Instagram) |
Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO) |
Thursdays at 6 p.m. | Seidman Forum (SCB 1008) |
Seidman Supply Chain Management Association (SSCMA) |
Friday mornings | Location Varies |
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) |
Bi-Weekly on Thursdays from 5:30pm | Devos 107C (University Club Room) |
Women in Business (WIB) WIB Instagram @wibgvsu |
Every other Tuesday from 5-6pm | DeVos 201D unless stated otherwise |

Awesome service opportunity as various Seidman Student Org's helped out at Roosevelt Park. We had hot chocolate and cookies, walked the park and did some general trash pick up.
For a complete listing of all 400+ student organizations at Grand Valley Sate University, check out Laker Link!