Elect Her

March 28, 2025 (2-5pm) in the Mary Idema Pew Library Multipurpose Room

Kickstart Your Political Journey in One Day

Learn about the importance of women running for office.

Develop and give an elevator speech about an issue you care about.

Map out your network and start assembling a team to help you run.

Meet elected leaders in your community.

Leave the training with a plan to run for office - now or in the future!

A speaker choosing a student who has their hand up
A student Senate member and Student laughing
Three women smiling and talking

What is "Elect Her"?

Running Start, the non-profit organization that runs the Elect Her program, brings campaign training and real-world experiences from currently-elected officials to college campuses across the U.S. The participants are led through several modules to enhance their understanding of the importance of women in office. 

Students will talk among their tables in order to figure out what issues are most important to them.

Q&A session with some of the members of the Student Senate Cabinet. 

A panel featuring elected officials from the West Michigan area. 


Elect Her Registration Form 2025

Start your leadership journey today and sign-up for to attend the "Elect Her" panel. 

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Page last modified February 28, 2025