INT 100/201 Co-Curricular Designation Approval Request

Thank you for your interest in having your event approved for INT 100 and/or INT 201.

Program proposals must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the proposed program.

Events organized by undergraduate students need to have a faculty, staff, or grad student involved in planning and facilitating. Please enter the name, contact information, and role for the faculty, staff, or grad student in the Program Description box.

If you need to make changes after you have submitted this form, please contact Arnie VandeBrake ([email protected], 616-331-8020, LOH 324) in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies.

* denotes a required field

Program Information

Is this program already on the GVSU Events calendar? *

I understand that it is my responsibility to contact co-curricular events approval staff once I have a GVSU Events calendar listing for this program *

If this program is a part of a series or re-occurring, put in the first date and write out the rest of the dates, times, and locations in the Program Description.

Description must include Who, What, When, and Where. If program is part of a series or is re-occurring, please include ALL dates, times and locations in the description. Events organized by undergrad students must include the Name, Contact Information, and Involvement Role of a Faculty, Staff member, or Grad student who will be involved in the planning process, as well as actively involved in facilitating discussion at the event in the Program Description Box. If the event is virtual, please include access information.

Program Coordinator

Program Details

INT 100 is a course that examines the nature of liberal education, and the ways in which education can help students become empowered members of society. The co-curricular component of the INT 100 course at GVSU is intended to promote integration of ideas from the course with events happening on our campus and issues in our larger world.

Events applying for INT 100 approval must fit with one or more of the following categories:

A. Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World: Events in this category engage with issues of cultural awareness, or human understanding of the world in which we live from various disciplinary perspectives (including the humanities and sciences)

B. Social Justice & Human Rights: Events that increase awareness of ethical issues, problems, or injustices in today's world.

C. Philosophy & Literature: Events that focus on enduring problems, questions, or ideas related to the human experience, from philosophical or literary perspectives.

D. Community Engagement / Service Learning: Events in this category are those that give students the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of any of the previous categories, through active engagement with or service to the community.

INT 201 explores how race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, and physical abilities combine to affect various cultural groups in the United States. The co-curricular component requires students to participate in GVSU events that will expand their knowledge of multiple communities and intersect with our course content. 

Events applying for INT 201 approval must fit with one or more of the following categories.

  1. Increased understanding of experiences and intersectional identities of members of diverse communities.
  2. Knowledge and examination of how structures and systems (historical, political, social, and economic) affect diverse populations.
  3. Knowledge and examination of oppression/discrimination that harms members of marginalized communities. This includes power relationships between groups, and how systematic abuses have operated historically and today.
  4. Increased understanding of activism, including current or historical examples of movements for social justice. These struggles can be global in scope and have a range of engagement that shows how individuals and communities take action to further their ideals.

Please select which course you are applying for designation. *

Program Learning Objectives

In order to better identify how your program aligns with INT 100 and / or INT 201, please submit between 1-3 learning objectives that describe the intended learning outcomes for the program participants. While having more objectives is not always necessary, it often provides more useful information on which to evaluate your program.

Examples of learning objectives

INT 100

INT 100 Request Goals (must fit with one or more of the following categories)

Objective A: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World

Objective B: Social Justice & Human Rights

Objective C: Philosophy & Literature

Objective D: Community Engagement / Service Learning

INT 201

INT 201 Request Goals (must fit with one or more of the following categories)

Objective 1: Increase understanding of experiences and intersectional identities

Objective 2: Knowledge and examination of how structures and systems affect diverse populations.

Objective 3: Knowledge and examination of oppression/discrimination that harms members of marginalized communities.

Objective 4: Increased understanding of activism, including current or historical examples of movements for social justice.

Human Verification *

Page last modified January 8, 2025