INT 100/201 Co-Curricular Events
University-Wide Integrative Learning
The co-curricular events program is an integral part of the INT 100 (Reflect, Connect, Engage) and INT 201 (Diversity in the U.S.) course curriculum. Both classes serve Grand Valley's General Education program and are core components of the Integrative Studies major.
The co-curricular program enjoys working with organizations to enhance student growth and support connections between classroom-based learning outcomes and real-life opportunities. Read more about the intended learning outcomes for these courses.
The following page has been developed to help students and faculty alike locate relevant events by listing all events with the INT 100/201 designations.
Looking for a Fall 2024 event?
Our Fall 2024 page will remain up through the end of the Fall 2024 semester.
All future co-curricular events will be on this page.
Below are all INT-approved events for the current semester, updated as new events are approved.
Use the search, filter, and sort features to find the right event for your needs!
While we do our best to keep this list updated, we can only make updates that event organizers let us know about directly. If you have a question or concern about an event, please contact the listed event organizer. If you are an event organizer and notice incorrect information on this website, please contact us with your specific desired changes: [email protected], 616-331-8020, or LOH 324.
Intended Learning Outcomes
INT 100 co-curricular assignments correspond to the Essential Learning Outcomes framework defining the knowledge and skills gained from a liberal education, as established by the AAC&U.
A – Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical & Natural World
B – Social Justice & Human Rights
C – Philosophy & Literature
D – Community Engagement/Service Learning
INT 201 co-curricular assignments follow an identify development sequence, drawing upon the AAC&U's Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Rubric.
- Location of self
- Awareness and knowledge of communities and identities different from one's own
- Knowledge and examination of structures and systems that impact diverse populations
- Application and integration of new knowledge