GVSU Events and Resources for Student Success
Financial Aid Update
GVSU’s Financial Aid Portal is available through Banner Self-Service and allows incoming students to securely upload documents, verify, and e-sign their GVSU financial aid online. The Financial Aid Office can answer questions at 616-331-3234 or [email protected].
On-Going Events
MoneySmart Lakers- A FREE Financial Literacy Service Available to GVSU Students
Did you know that MoneySmart Lakers is a FREE resource to students on campus!? MoneySmart Lakers' goal is to provide YOU with the tools and resources to help you understand your finances and develop or define your money management skills. Topics covered in individual appointments include:
1). Budgeting: Creating a Spending Plan
2). Financial Aid: Investing in your Education
3). Understanding Credit and Credit Reports
Schedule an Individual Appointment with MoneySmart Lakers, today!
Furthermore, if you are graduating, consider using MoneySmart Lakers' Student Loan Exit Counseling Services. The exit counseling session is designed to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower and help you successfully meet your repayment obligation. All participants will be provided with an email prior to their appointment with their personal federal loan information and repayment estimations. Exit Counseling will also cover repayment options, types of loans, consequences for non-payment, and also answer your questions about grad school and next steps as a student loan borrower.
Schedule a Student Loan Exit Counseling Appointment, today!

GVSU McNair Scholars Program
The McNair Scholars program at GVSU is currently accepting applications. This is a great opportunity for first-generation and limited-income students, and/or underrepresented students of color interested in graduate school (with a stipend offered!)
The GVSU McNair Scholars Program works exclusively with first-generation and limited-income students, and/or underrepresented students of color, to prepare them for all aspects of graduate level study. Each student receives extensive training and preparation for admission into and success within graduate school. Scholars participate in a paid summer research experience during which they earn at least $4,000. Scholars work one-on-one with a faculty mentor to design and implement a summer research project. The McNair Scholars Program also provides funding for the scholars’ research supplies, conference fees, and travel for graduate school visits.
McNair has a rolling admission, with several spots still available. Applications are reviewed as they come in and until all spots are filled. McNair serves 34 students per academic year.
Does this opportunity sound of interest to you!? Interested students can fill out a McNair Program Interest form on the McNair Scholars website.