Employment Paperwork

Congratulations on obtaining a job at GVSU! In order to be properly paid on time, please review the documentation requirements below and complete those tasks in Workday on or before your first date of employment.

Required documents


Once you have been hired in Workday, you will need to complete the Federal Form I-9. This form allows you to legally work on campus. You must complete Section 1 of the Form I-9 in Workday on or before your first day of employment. You should have received an email with onboarding instructions and we have created a job aid to help walk you through this process.

After Section 1 is completed in Workday, you must go to the Student Employment Office within 3 business days of your first date of employment and present your identifying documents. We are located in room 104a of the Student Services Center on the Allendale Campus. You can either bring in 1 document from List A OR 1 document from List B AND 1 document from List C. Document choices can be found on page 2 of the Federal Form I-9 and must be original. Photocopies, emails, faxes, and pictures of these documents will NOT be accepted. 



The following documents are the most common ones brought in by student employees. More documents options can be found on page 2 of the Federal Form I-9.

  1. U.S. Passport
  2. Driver's License AND Social Security Card
  3. Driver's License AND Birth Certificate
  4. GVSU Student ID AND Social Security Card
  5. GVSU Student ID AND Birth Certificate



Please present your current passport, I-20 (or DS-2019) and your I-94. If you are unable to locate your I-94, please let us know and we can locate it on your behalf.

You must have applied for your Social Security Number before you can begin working on campus. After applying, you can complete Section 1 of the Federal Form I-9 in Workday and notify the Student Employment Office that you are waiting for your SSN. Once your SSN arrives, please visit the Student Employment Office with your identifying documents and your new SSN to finish the hiring process.


Please note: If you have worked on-campus within the last 12 months or filled out the Federal I-9 form within the past 3 years, then you should have documentation on file already. Please contact our office to determine if you may need to fill out another form. 



In addition to the Federal Form I-9, new employees will also need to complete tax withholding forms. This incudes a Federal W-4, a State W-4, and a city tax form (when applicable). A job aid has been created to help walk you through this process in Workday. If you have additional questions, please contact the Payroll Office at [email protected]


Campus buildings

Reporting Hours

Workday is the method of reporting your hours. Student employees who are paid by the hour must report those hours. Students who are paid via a period activity pay or one time payment will not need to enter those hours. They will automatically be included each pay period.

Different departments manage time reporting in different ways, and the supervisor is responsible for telling employees how to enter hours for their specific job(s). The Payroll Office manages time tracking in Workday.

Workday Login:

Go to my.eduftp.net, click on the "Workday" button and log in using your Network ID and Password.

Guidelines for reporting hours:

  • Employees should confirm with their supervisor if hours will be reported electronically or by scanning in with their ID card.
  • All hours must be approved by a supervisor.
  • Hours must be reported in Workday. It is recommended you enter your time daily. Failing to enter your hours into Workday complicates the process and can result in incorrect or delayed pay.
  • The workweek, like the calendar week, is Sunday through Saturday. Student employees are paid on Tuesday for work done the weeks prior. A calendar is available for the pay period dates and pay dates.
  • Departments may have their own deadlines for time entry. However, you must have your hours entered by the end of the pay period.

Paycheck and tax forms


Students are strongly encouraged to sign up for Direct Deposit with the Payroll Office through their Workday account. Students who do not set up Direct Deposit will have their paychecks loaded on to a Rapid Visa Pay Card. More information can be found on the payroll website.

Students can also view their paychecks online through Workday.

  • Go to Workday and log in.
  • Navigate the following path: View Profile > Pay
  • Choose pay stub from list


If there is a problem with the student's pay, the supervisor may contact the Payroll Office.



Students enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits and working on-campus do not contribute to FICA (Social Security) during the academic year.

Students will contribute to FICA for all off-campus positions throughout the year and for any on-campus work when not enrolled in at least 6 credits.

University Fringe Rate for Student Employees if not enrolled in at least 6 credits is 7.65%.


W-2 Information

W-2 forms are prepared by the University for all students who have been paid through the payroll system. It is strongly recommended that you select to receive an electronic W-2. You can consent to receive an electronic W-2 by following the steps below. If you do not select to receive an electronic W-2, a paper form will be mailed to your permanent address.

For Electronic Consent:

  • Go to MyBanner and log in.
  • Navigate the following path: Employee > Tax Forms > Electronic Forms W-2 and 1095-C Consent
  • Check the Box
  • Select Submit


To view electronic W-2:

  • Go to MyBanner and log in.
  • Navigate the following path: Employee > Tax Forms > W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
  • Select the Tax Year
  • Select Display 

Page last modified October 4, 2024