Student Manager Help Articles
As a student employee manager, you will be using Workday to:
- Recruit student employees and/or graduate assistants
- Hire student employees and/or graduate assistants
- Approve or enter hourly student employee time
- Request student hire changes
Read the details below and click on the individual help articles to learn how to complete these tasks in Workday.
There may be times in Workday where you want to open a help article on one screen or tab and complete the tasks in Workday on another screen or tab. The best way to do this is to create a duplicate web browser which will allow you to have Workday open twice while still allowing you to complete all necessary tasks. The instructions below will walk you through that process.
- Open one of the help articles listed below.
- Right click on the title tab in your browser and select Duplicate. This will open a new tab with an identical window.
- In that second window, sign into your Workday account. All tasks can be completed in this window with the first window being used as a help article reference.

Handshake is no longer being used to recruit students for on-campus employment. While it can still be used to post internships and off-campus opportunities, Workday is the primary way to search for student candidates for your on-campus department. If you don't already have a candidate in mind to hire, you can post a job requisition (job req) in Workday. If you have already selected the student(s) you wish to employ, you can use the "Direct Hire" process and follow the instructions in the next section.

Before students can complete their onboarding tasks and employment paperwork, they must be hired in the Workday system. Please follow the steps listed in the help articles below to hire your students.
- "Complete Hire" help articles are used for students who went through the recruiting process and applied to your job requisition
- "Direct Hire" help articles are used for students who did not apply to a position in Workday
- External Student: A student who has not worked at GVSU
- Existing Student: A student who is already employed at GVSU in Workday

Only students in hourly positions need to enter their time for approval. Students hired on one-time payments and period activity pays (formerly known as stipends) do not need to enter their hours. Keep in mind that there are hour regulations that need to be followed when creating schedules and approving hours for your student employees. Please look through the help articles below to learn more.

Throughout their employment, there may be times when changes need to be made to your student hires. We've included the most common instances below to help walk you through that process step by step.