From Students to Stewards
Fostering Great Lakes Literacy in Michigan Schools
Goal of the Project
Support integration of Great Lakes and freshwater literacy principles into standards-based school curricula and continuous improvement plans. Use place-based approaches to improve stewardship behavior and provide an engaging context to improve school performance and address whole child needs. This project was made available through a multi-agency collaboration between the MiSTEM Network, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, Michigan Department of Education, and the Office of Labor and Economic Opportunity.
Summary of the Project
This project is intended to make progress toward closing the water literacy gap in Michigan and growing the next generation of water stewards, leaders, skilled workers, and decision-makers needed to solve complex water issues in a changing world. This project places student voice and choice as the center of student learning. A water focus tied to STEM education, built over a child’s educational life and into adulthood, can serve as the basis for place-based learning and scientific knowledge. This place-based approach engages students through their socio-cultural contexts and brings their internal assets to the foreground. The program includes a tool kit and roadmap that other schools can use to develop their own Great Lakes-based curricula to cultivate the next generation of water stewards, leaders, and decision-makers. In 2020, six schools participated in a field test opportunity to engage schools in reimagining their systems to support this pedagogical approach for learning focused on a central Great Lakes - Freshwater Vision. Funding is currently available for additional schools to participate in the From Students to Stewards Initiative.
Details at a Glance
- Award Amount: From $5,000 up to $20,000
- Funding Period: June 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023
- Online Application
- Submission Deadline: Applications are open until 5:00pm (ET) on April 12th, 2022
- Award Notification & Disbursement: Award recipients will be notified of their selection approximately 30 days after the application deadline.
- For the full grant information visit the MiSTEM Network Grants Page