Advertising and Public Relations Abroad
Expand your knowledge of advertising and public relations on a global scale by participating in a study abroad experience. You will gain unique skills and learn about diverse perspectives that will serve you as you move into your career.

Program Suggestions
The programs highlighted on this page are a good fit for students in Advertising and Public Relations.
Semester and Academic Year Programs
Country |
Program, Host Institution, or University Name |
Program Type |
Courses |
United Kingdom |
Exchange |
Australia |
Exchange |
Australia |
Exchange |
Italy |
Exchange |
Cyprus |
Provider |
Greece |
Provider |
Summer Programs
Location |
Program |
Program Type |
Courses |
Italy |
Exchange |
Vietnam |
Provider |
Italy |
Provider |
South Korea |
Provider |
Explore Other Program Options
There are other program options available. Schedule a study abroad advising appointment to learn more or browse our other program options:

Gain real-world experience globally and build your international network by participating in an Advertising & Public Relations internship abroad.

Academic Advice
- Once you have selected a program, be sure to meet with your adviser at least three months prior to departing for your program.
- Be sure to explore both GVSU and Provider options by browsing the Program Suggestions below. Students are not limited to GVSU study abroad programs.
- There are several opportunities to intern and or volunteer while abroad.
- Students are also able to fulfill General Education requirements abroad, including their General Education Issues requirement.
- Consider fulfilling your General Education Issues requirement abroad. Find out how!
To determine the GVSU course equivalencies for courses taken abroad, please visit our Course Approval page.
Once you have selected a program, schedule a meeting with your academic advisor to discuss your plans.
Scholarship Opportunities
Wade K. Jones Memorial Communications Scholarship
Robert W. Mayberry School of Communications Endowed Scholarship
Apply for these scholarships: myScholarships - Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships - Grand Valley State University
Explore more scholarship opportunities through our scholarship page

Department Contact
Adrienne Wallace
School of Communications
124 Lake Superior Hall
(616) 331-8060
[email protected]