Arabic Abroad
Improve your Arabic language skills through an immersive experience abroad. You will gain valuable cultural knowledge and become more confident in your language skills through studying abroad.
"Study Abroad is a life changing experience, and I encourage all of our students to consider it."
-Majd Al-Mallah, Modern Languages & Literatures, Director

Program Suggestions
The programs highlighted on this page are a good fit for students studying Arabic.
Semester and Academic Year Programs
Country |
Program, Host Institution, or University Name |
Program Type |
Courses |
Oman |
Provider |
Egypt |
Provider |
Jordan |
Provider |
Jordan |
Provider |
Morocco |
Provider |
United Arab Emirates |
Provider |
Summer Programs
Location |
Program |
Program Type |
Courses |
Jordan |
Provider |
Morocco |
Provider |
Jordan |
Provider |
Explore Other Program Options
There are other program options available. Schedule a study abroad advising appointment to learn more or browse our other program options:
Gain real-world experience globally and build your international network by participating in an Arabic internship abroad.

Academic Advice
First Year Students
- The earliest you can go abroad is the summer of your first year.
- Students may fulfill General Education Foundations and/or Issues requirements abroad.
Sophomore & Upperclassmen Students
- No restrictions have been identified by the Department of Modern Languages & Literature.
- Consider fulfilling your Issues General Education requirement abroad. Find out how!
- In an increasingly global society, proficiency in a foreign language is a highly demanded skill. Take the knowledge, vocabulary, and grammar you’ve learned in the classroom and use it in real-world situations to rapidly improve your proficiency. Expand your appreciation of culture and language by interning, volunteering or studying abroad in places such as Oman, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, and many more. In addition to language development, Study Abroad provides opportunities for rich cultural enrichment, development of intercultural skills, and a deeper understanding of the heritage, problems, and perspectives of Middle Eastern cultures.
- Courses will be reviewed on a case by case basis through the course equivalency process.
- Once you have selected a program, be sure to meet with your advisor to discuss your academic goal.
- Be sure to explore both GVSU and Provider options by browsing the Program Suggestions below. Students are not limited to GVSU study abroad programs.
- There are several opportunities to intern and or volunteer while abroad.
- Students can fulfill the General Education Foundation requirements abroad as well as their General Education Issues requirement (reflection paper required). If you take at least 3 credits abroad, your Global Perspectives General Education requirement will automatically be fulfilled.