2025 Community Garden
Do you want to grow your own food but don’t have space? The Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP) here at GVSU wants to help you!
We have 18 community garden plots at the Luce Street Farm that are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Plots are run autonomously by plot renters for the 2025 growing season and are priced at $25 for one, or $40 for two. The SAP will provide soil and compost for each community garden plot. Community gardeners are welcome to use their own seeds; however, if the SAP has extra plants and seeds, they are welcome to use those as well. Drip irrigation has been installed in all the beds so you won't need to worry about your plants getting thirsty.
Community gardeners are welcome to use the SAP’s tools as long as they are properly put back in the white tool shed afterward. Members will need to utilize their own tools for harvesting.
Due to the limited number of plots, they are issued on a first come first serve rolling basis. If you are interested in a community garden plot, please sign up no later than June 15, 2025.
Community gardeners will be asked to give the SAP a notice if they go on vacation or know they will be out of town for an extended period of time. This will allow the SAP to make arrangements to help maintain their plot. Please note that any plot left unattended without notice for three weeks will be passed on to the next interested gardener.
There are 13 of 17 registrations available.
* denotes a required field