Episode #1: How to Talk with Your Neighbor
This episode explores how to have conversations about important issues with people who believe, think, and vote differently than you. The One America Movement offers a framework for navigating difficult conversation, exploring the neuroscience and social science of polarity and divisiveness, offering both theory and interactive practice for having productive conversations that move towards listening and cooperation.
Episode #2: The People's Constitution
We explore why – according to the founders of the U.S. Constitution – American democracy depends on civil dialogues and listening to other’s perspectives. Perspectives you may not agree with.
Joining us are John F. Kowal, Vice President of Program Initiatives at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, and Wilfred D. Codrington III, professor of law at NYU School of Law and fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice. You’ve co-authored the book, The People’s Constitution: 200 Years, 27 Amendments, and the Promise of a More Perfect Union.
Episode #3: The People's Supper
We discuss how to cross lines of difference by cultivating trust and goodwill using the age-old practice of breaking bread. Joining us from The People’s Supper is Community Director, K Scarry, who's focusing on why it's necessary to have conversations across lines of identity and ideological difference at this moment in time.
Episode #4: A Peace of My Mind
We talk with the founder of "A Peace of My Mind", John Noltner about his traveling podcast and photography ventures during a recent stop at Grand Valley State University.
Episode #5: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and Solidarity
We discuss the goals of Grand Valley State University's Day of Service and Solidarity: to educate participants about the Civil Rights movement; inspire people to engage in their communities by listening, learning, and advocating for social change on campus and beyond; and to learn from one another through intergenerational conversations as people work side by side.
Episode #6: See No Stranger
See No Stranger is a core principle anchoring the Revolutionary Love Project. It’s a model designed by Civil Rights activist and author Valarie Kaur for reimagining a better community. Her Ted Talk has inspired millions around the world as well as her best-selling book, See No Stranger: A Memoir & Manifesto of Revolutionary Love. We discuss her life experiences and how she's sharing her wisdom.
Episode #7: The Reunited States
How do we bridge our differences at a time when partisan politics thrive on the dehumanization and demonization of one group of voters against the other. The documentary The Reunited States offers that our political divisions are symptomatic of something much deeper, fundamental cultural tensions. The documentary suggests bridging differences begins with discovering what connects us as Americans.
Episode #8: From Talking Together to Working Together
Talking the talk and walking the walk. In this episode, we focus on making creating positive social change through honest and authentic conversation. Often, that means sharing power navigating dynamics of power and privilege. Here to discuss strategies for collaborating across differences and listening to understand are Kendra Avila, Housing Manager AYA Youth Collective - Meg Derrer is Executive Director of Refugee Education Center working with Freedom Flight. Reverend Lynette Sparks is pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church working with Together West Michigan – and - Ned Andree is Project Coordinator with Community Collaboration on Climate Change also known as C-4.
Episode #9: Tell Me More
The Talking Together initiative kicked off in 2022. It began with strategies for how to have conversations about important issues with people who believe, think, and vote differently than you. We’ve interviewed Civil Rights Activist Valarie Kaur, Author of “See No Stranger: A Memoir & Manifesto of Revolutionary Love.” And most recently focused on the importance of working together with a focus on social justice. Here to talk about this Grand Valley State University initiative in its entirety are Lisa Perhamus, Director of the Padnos-Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse. Allie Goeddeke, Office Assistant with Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies. Kyle Kooyers, Associate Director at the Kaufman Interfaith Institute and Jim Rademaker, General Manager at WGVU Public Media.

Talking Together is a partnership between the Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse, Kaufman Interfaith Institute, The Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies, and WGVU Public Media.