Linda Chamberlain, Ph.D., Director

Linda Chamberlain leads the GVSU Technology Commercialization Office in advancing the research and innovations of faculty, students and staff. This work highly leverages Dr. Chamberlain’s 25+ year career in innovation, new product development and launch implementation. Dr. Chamberlain has led strategic business and product development at Fortune 200, mid-sized and start-up companies, including Shell Chemical, Honeywell, and Johnson Controls. Linda developed a keen sense of venture capital investing through her role as Director with the Michigan Accelerator Fund, and as CEO of NanoRETE, a grant funded start-up delivering new diagnostic technology for tuberculosis. Prior to this, she led global strategy and product commercialization for Global Forex Trading, which was acquired in 2012 for >$100M. Linda, as Executive Director, led the West Michigan Science and Technology Initiative, a business accelerator focused on commercialization of life science products and technologies, as well as led the relaunch of GVSU’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She is owner and principal of InnoValuation®, a company that focuses on insuring companies have the processes and performance to extract the full value from their innovations. Dr. Chamberlain received both her BS and PhD in Chemistry from Purdue University, and has 19 patents issued for catalyst, polymer, and product/process development. Dr. Chamberlain is serving on the boards of Paragon Die & Engineering and Frederik Meijer Gardens.
If you have any further questions please contact Linda Chamberlain at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (616) 331-2281
Grand Valley State University
049 Zumberge Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
Paul F. Doyle, Mentor in Residence

Paul F. Doyle is an inventor and innovator who brings 35 years of experience in the security and cybersecurity industries coupled with 28 years in start-up and early-stage ventures to the role of Mentor-in-Residence. Earlier in his career Paul co-invented the underlying technologies for what are today known as Blockchain and Distributed Ledger through cryptographic or trusted timestamping. Paul co-authored the first American National Standard for Trusted Timestamping through the ANSI Financial Services Standards Organization, ASCX9. Paul has been asked to act as a US delegate to ISO on the topics of data integrity and authenticity. Paul’s years of speaking and evangelizing about these subjects included working with the FDA, SEC, FTC, the Library of Congress, the US Postal Service, the Federal Reserve Bank, the American Bar Association and many others. In 2008, upon learning about the prevalence of check fraud, Paul invented a way to stop or prevent check fraud that opened a door to sending checks across any network, including the Internet. The company he founded, VerifyValid, modernized the oldest form of non-cash payment and the technology was eventually acquired by Deluxe Corporation. Today this technology is responsible for more than $30B of secure, business-to-business payments tendered in the US, annually. When not working with GVSU faculty, staff or students on technology commercialization, Paul can frequently be found working with K-12 school administrators, faculty and students on project-based and experiential learning programs in West Michigan.
Andy Van Solemka, Mentor in Residence

Andy Van Solemka is a Menor-in-Residence with GVSU’s Technology Commercialization Office, where he provides guidance on entrepreneurial initiatives of faculty and students. Andy balances this work with that of founder of innovation studio, Physics, which focuses on creating momentum with new Ventures, new market creation, and business & service model innovation. He is uniquely qualified in these roles as prior to this Andy led the vision, strategy, design, and change initiatives for Open Systems Technology (OST), where he served as Vice President of Digital Strategy & Experience, as transitioned through OST acquisition of his prior company Visualhero Design. Andy has worked with Apple, Herman Miller, Google Nest, Amazon, Caterpillar, Sony Music, Capital records and numerous other clients. He is a founding member of The Right Place Economic Development Technology Council, driving the region to be nationally recognized as the most resilient, productive and equitable regional economy in the nation. Mr. Van Solkema received his BFA in Graphic Design from Grand Valley State University, Masters of Design from Kendall College of Art and Design, and from the University of Pennsylvania Executive Education in Business Model Innovation in the Digital Age.