Faculty & Staff Resources

Navigate Alert - Tutoring Referrals
If you have students who are struggling academically, you can now refer them for tutoring outreach in Navigate when you issue an alert! A member of the TRC leadership team will reach out to students with tutoring referral alerts at the beginning of each week to offer support and remind them how to utilize our resources.
To submit a Tutoring Referral Alert in Navigate
- Select Issue an Alert on the right side under "Actions" on your dashboard
- Search for and choose a student, choose Refer Student to Tutoring as the alert reason
- Choose the course associated with the alert
- Include any notes or information that you believe will be helpful
If you have any questions, email Keigh-Cee Bell ([email protected]), Director of CLAS Tutoring
Faculty and Staff Resource Folder
Visit our Faculty and Staff Resource Folder to access tutoring videos and presentation slides, syllabus blurbs, subject-specific tutoring brochures, tutor bios and schedules, and more! We are always adding new resources, so check the folder often.
Tutoring Info Presentation
Email Keigh-Cee Bell ([email protected]) if you would like a member of the CLAS tutoring staff to come to your class and present information about the different types of tutoring available on campus and how to access them.
The presentation takes 5-10 minutes and is usually best when scheduled at the beginning or end of a class period.
In-Class Success Skill Presentations
The Tutoring and Reading Center offers 30-minute in-class presentations to help first-year students develop and hone academic skills. The workshops include:
- How to Hack College Reading
- How to Hack Taking Notes
- Metacognition: Let's think about thinking...
- How to Use Your Textbook (The Right Way)
For more information or to schedule one of these presentations for your class, please email Keigh-Cee Bell ([email protected]).
Recommend a Student Tutor or Facilitator
If you would like to recommend a student as a tutor, please visit our Faculty Recommendation Page to complete the recommendation form.
Request Marketing Materials
Please email Keigh-Cee Bell ([email protected]) if you would like to request posters, brochures, stickers, or any other tutoring marketing materials.
Request a Training Presentation
If you would like Keigh-Cee or another member of the tutoring administration staff to speak at a unit meeting or staff training, please email Keigh-Cee Bell ([email protected]).
In-Class Tutoring Request
If you would like a tutor or tutoring admin to come to your class for a workshop, presentation, or for an extra set of hands for an in-class workday, please email Keigh-Cee ([email protected]) to schedule!