Honor Someone Special
To honor a patient, health care provider, student or health care champion with a donation that supports the work of The Wesorick Center, please click on one of the tiles below.
Featured Stories From Donors

Janis epitomized “friendship” with her every word and action. Always interested in the welfare of others, she found the strength necessary to travel a personal health journey with grace and a smile. Janis was the first patient to share her compelling story of patient care with The Wesorick Center. She asked that her story be a part of what providers, families, and other patients would hear with the hope that her story assist all of us in co-creating health care systems that honor the patient as the center of care and to inspire us to create the best places to give and receive care. A donation to the work of the Wesorick Center is given to honor Janis and to sincerely thank her for her story, love, and generosity. She is dearly missed, but her legacy of friendship, love and courage lives on in our work.
"It is a joy to honor this nurse as a gifted leader, who knows what it means to do the hard work necessary to transform cultures into those that provide the best places to give and receive care. She was a leader from an early age and has never lost her desire to make a difference in the way care is delivered.”

"Catherine was an immigrant nurse midwife, whose love for families was at the heart of her work and the very foundation of my family and my development. This gift honors her as a nurse, grandmother and gifted leader. Her communication, compassion and caring were central to the way she interacted with patients and within our family. Her daily life provided the world an exemplary model of a good human being and the inspiration for me to become a nurse.”