Triota Honor Society

Iota Iota Iota
Iota Iota Iota is the academic honor society for the field of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Iota Iota Iota is named for the ancient goddesses, Inanna, Isthar, and Isis. The purpose of the organization is to encourage and support scholarship and excellence in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Grand Valley State University, which is home to the Beta Delta Chapter of Iota Iota Iota (Triota).
Triota strives to maintain feminist values central to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: egalitarianism, inclusiveness, and the celebration of the diversity of gendered experiences. The organization also works to enhance the experience of students in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies as well as recognizing their academic achievements.
The goals of GVSU's chapter of Triota are detailed in the Manifesta. The student organization is managed and governed according to its Constitution.
Students who have completed at least six credit hours in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies coursework and have a GPA of 3.0 or above in WGS courses are eligible for active membership. Student members of Triota receive an honor cord and pin to wear at graduation.
How to Apply
Students interested in joining should complete the Triota Honor Society Application and submit to the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Office in 229 Lake Ontario Hall. An induction ceremony for new members is held every year. Questions should be directed to the WGS Department at [email protected] or (616) 331-8025.
Faculty and staff interested in furthering the purpose of Iota Iota Iota are eligible to become associate members and should connect with the Faculty Advisor.
The Faculty Advisor for GVSU's chapter of Iota Iota Iota is Dr. Julia Mason. Please contact the WGS office with any questions.