About Us
The Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute (AWRI) is a multidisciplinary research organization within GVSU's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS).
AWRI's mission is to integrate research, education, and outreach to enhance and preserve freshwater resources.
AWRI consists of 3 programmatic areas and offers exciting research and education opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff:

The Ecological Research Program explores questions about aquatic ecology, chemistry and toxicology, fisheries ecology, hydrology, microbial ecology, aquatic molecular ecology, ecosystem restoration, and ecological modeling.
The Information Services Center uses state-of-the-art geospatial technology to collect and analyze data, and condense them into useful information for those who make critical decisions about natural resource management.
The Education and Outreach Program utilizes AWRI's two research vessels and the Annis Educational Foundation Classroom to provide scientific information to K-12 students, policymakers, educators, college students, and community groups.
Students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity to participate in AWRI activities as volunteers, paid assistants, interns, research associates, graduate students, postdoctoral research fellows, or sabbatical visitors.
Our strategic plan can be found online (updated January 2023).