Sean A. Woznicki, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Grand Valley State University
Annis Water Resources Institute
740 West Shoreline Drive
Muskegon, MI 49441
Phone: (616) 331-8799
E-mail: [email protected]

- Watershed hydrology and modeling
- Climate and land use change
- Ecosystem goods and services
- Geospatial analysis and remote sensing
- GPY 100: Physical and Environmental Geography
- Spatial patterns of weather and climate, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water resources, and their changes, interactions, and impacts on human life and society.
- GPY 407: Advanced GIS
- An advanced level GIS course emphasizing decision analysis through applications of spatial statistics and geospatial modeling. Topics include multivariate statistics, error assessment and propagation, fuzzy logic, uncertainty and decision risk in GIS modeling, location analysis, and terrain modeling using industry standard GIS software. Lab and project-based activities form the basis of this course.
- Postdoctoral, 2015-2019, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC
- Ph.D., Biosystems Engineering, 2015 - Michigan State University
- M.S., Biosystems Engineering, 2011 - Michigan State University
- B.S., Biosystems Engineering, 2009 - Michigan State University
Recent Publications
- Moore, E.K., Woznicki, S.A., Karol, K.G., Hamsher, S.E. (2023). Modeling of suitable habitats for starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) in inland lakes in the Midwest and northeast U.S.A. Biological Invasions.
- Hart, J.J., Jamison, M.N., McNair, J.N., Woznicki, S.A., Jordan, B., Rediske, R.R. (2023). Using watershed characteristics to enhance fecal source identification. Journal of Environmental Management.
- Woznicki, S.A., Kraynick, G., Wickham, J., Nash, M., Sohl, T. (2023). Modeling future land cover and water quality change in Minneapolis, MN, USA to support drinking water source protection decisions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
- Tijjani, S.B., Giri, S., Woznicki, S.A. (2022). Quantifying the potential impacts of climate change on irrigation demand, crop yields, and green water scarcity in the New Jersey Coastal Plain. Science of the Total Environment.
- Hopkins, K.G., Woznicki, S.A., Williams, B., Stillwell, C., Naibert, E., Metes, M., Jones, D.K., Hogan, D., Hall, N., Fanelli, R.M., Bhaskar, A.S. (2022). Lessons learned from 20 y of monitoring suburban development with distributed stormwater management in Clarksburg, Maryland, USA. Freshwater Science.