Business & Management Career Community
Danielle Harris '11
DRHarris Consulting
LinkedIn Profile
1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
After graduating in 2011, I was hired as a social media marketing
intern at the American Concrete Institute. I was there for 10 years
and moved up the ranks doing everything from marketing film
production, trade show marketing, branding work, and finally managing
international marketing. I was key in opening an international branch
of the company in Dubai, working with governmental officials to
establish relationships, hiring local staff, and officially launching
the office. In 2021, I decided to start my own marketing consulting
company, DRHarris Consulting, where I help business owners create
strategic marketing plans. I also help solopreneurs build their
confidence as they market their businesses for the first time.
2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
I have so many amazing memories from my time at Grand Valley. I
was a resident assistant for several years, and I always loved
throwing Halloween parties. But mostly, I cherish the memories I have
hanging out with friends at Fresh Foods and eating Laker Bowls.
3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Keep in touch. It sounds so simple and basic, but I think we
highly underestimate how powerful keeping in contact with different
people you meet along your journey can be. Sometimes we think it has
been too long. But keep in touch with people, you never know where
that can lead you.
4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand
Valley experience.
Foundational. Happy. Meaningful.
5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I was talking to a woman not too long ago who said that her dream
was to change the world. She said that now that she's older, she
doesn't think that's possible anymore and "settles" for
helping the children in her community. I had to stop her because the
work that she does changes somebody's world. Changing one person's
world CAN change the world. And that's what I want to continue doing.
Reminding people of the impact they can have. That's why I like
marketing. It is empowering people to speak up and talk about
businesses they are passionate about. I work with people who want to
help and impact others. My job is to help them find the confidence and
the strategy to make it happen.
September 2023
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