Welcome to the Work Like a Laker Podcast!

Join GVSU career advisors as they tackle pertinent career-related topics - providing tips, advice and strategies for discovering, preparing for, and implementing careers.

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Find a chronological list of our episodes from all five seasons along with the episode show notes.

Catalog of Episodes by Topic

Choose the topic you'd like to explore further by clicking on the buttons below!

Have ideas for a new topic? Email Megan Riksen, [email protected].

Our Hosts

Dani Lauer, Grace Joaquin, Megan Riksen

Alumni Episodes

people doing the anchor up sign

Career Exploration and Planning

man looking at laptop

Career Fairs

people speaking at career fair

Career Types

gvsu name tag

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

person in wheelchair at meeting

Graduate School

people sitting at conference table

Internships and Experiences

people walking in devos place


employer interview rooms

Job Search

people talking at career fair

Mental Health

person doing yoga


people talking at the career fair

Resume Writing

resume guide


shadows of people at career fair

Page last modified March 3, 2025