Combined Degree Programs (B.S./M.S.)
Qualified GVSU undergraduates may be admitted to a combined bachelor’s/master’s program and obtain both a B.S. and an M.S. within an accelerated time frame. Students admitted to these programs will dual-count up to 12 credits of graduate work to satisfy the requirements for both the undergraduate and graduate degree. This saves not only a semester's-worth of time, but more than $10,000 by taking graduate classes at undergraduate prices.

The following combined degree (B.S./M.S.) programs are available within the College of Computing:
Collaboration between colleges:
Combined Degree (B.S./M.S.) Process

- 3.00 GPA overall
- 55-65 hours of credit completed or in process
- There is an 8-year time limit to complete a graduate-level badge, certificate, or degree. However, the 'clock' starts when you take your first graduate course and will not include your solely-undergraduate years.
- After completing 120 credits and all requirements for the bachelor’s degree, students are awarded a bachelor’s degree. A minimum of 21 graduate credits must be completed after the 120 credits of the bachelor’s degree. All other master’s degree requirements must be met, including a graduate capstone course.