The following scholarships are available to students in the College of Computing. All scholarship submissions should be made via MyScholarship before February 15th 2025.
Eric John Gillette Memorial Scholarship – Jim and Shirley Menacher established the Eric John Gillette Memorial Scholarship to honor their son by helping those who, like their son, wish to transition into the Computing field from another profession.
Eric Maino Community Technology Award - Eric Maino created this scholarship to encourage and acknowledge students who exhibit exceptional relational skills in addition to the knowledge acquired in their educational pursuits.
College of Computing Academic Scholarship – Academic scholarships will be awarded to all majors in the College of Computing to honor those students for their outstanding performance and to encourage them to continue in the field of computing at his/her level of excellence.
Carl Erickson and Mary O'Neill Pathway Endowed Scholarship - The purpose of this scholarship is to help widen the pathway to graduation for senior computing and nursing students from middle income families who do not qualify for federal need-based aid and are ineligible for many of the government programs intended to help defray the costs of tuition and fees.
College of Computing Study Abroad Scholarship – Scholarships are available to Computing majors who study abroad at an institution of higher learning in another country. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide students with greater opportunities in their study of computing.
College of Computing First Year Endowed Scholarship – Scholarships are available to a limited number of incoming first-year students who have indicated an interest in majoring in a computing discipline.
Windstream Technology Scholarship (Masters) – This scholarship is designed to provide opportunities for students pursuing a Masters in Applied Computer Science at GVSU.
Initech Global Technology Scholarship - The purpose of this scholarship is to assist and encourage graduates of public high schools who are pursuing higher education in information technology fields.
Initech Global Diversity in Technology Scholarship - The purpose of this scholarship is to assist and encourage students of color who are pursuing higher education in information technology fields.