* denotes a required field
M.Ed. in Higher Education Practicum Plan
To begin your practicum experience, all students are required to complete a practicum plan. This plan should be approved by your practicum supervisor and faculty advisor, within the first few weeks of your practicum. This plan should outline intentional goals and will help guide your experience.
Semester and Year * - Select Semester Winter 2030 Spring/Summer 2030 Fall 2030 Winter 2029 Spring/Summer 2029 Fall 2029 Winter 2028 Spring/Summer 2028 Fall 2028 Winter 2027 Spring/Summer 2027 Fall 2027 Winter 2026 Spring/Summer 2026 Fall 2026 Winter 2025 Spring/Summer 2025 Fall 2025
Student's Name *
Student's Email * Please enter a GVSU student email address ending in @mail.eduftp.net.
Faculty Advisor Email * Please enter a GVSU faculty or staff email address ending in @eduftp.net.
Practicum Site (Name of Institution and Department) *
Site Supervisor Name: *
Supervisor Email: *
Identify three ACPA/NASPA competency areas you would like to focus on during your practicum: * Advising & Supporting Assessment, Evaluation, & Research Law, Policy, & Governance Leadership Organizational & Human Resources Personal & Ethical Foundations Social Justice & Inclusion Student Learning & Development Technology Values, Philosophy, & History
Why did you choose this site for your practicum and how do you believe it will help you grow as a student affairs professional? *
Provide a detailed plan that describes the skills and knowledge you will gain and the opportunities and/or activities you will engage in during your practicum that will help develop the three competency areas you have chosen. *
Human Verification *