Changing Your Faculty/Staff Network Password
Password Rule Set for Faculty & Staff Network Accounts
Due to increased cybercrime, phishing, and malware, IT is improving the security of GVSU passwords by increasing the minimum required number of characters to 12. Upon receiving notice that your password is going to expire, you will be required to change your password according to the rules below.
Your password will require:
Password length between 12 and 50 characters
Accounts under critical departments require passwords of 15 characters or more.
Uppercase letter(s)
Lowercase letter(s)
Recommended, but not required:
Special characters allowed: ~ % ^ * _ - | { } [ ] : ' .
Cannot contain:
Part of your username
Part of your first name
Part of your last name
DO NOT use Spaces
Passphrases are recommended, see Setting Strong Passwords
Your new password will need to be reset every 18 months
NOTE: If you have a mobile device that accesses email and/or WiFi (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android smartphone, personal computer, etc.), please be aware that the password must be changed on that device as well (possibly in two places: email and WiFi). If you do not change the password on the mobile device, it may lock you out of your account.
A Note About Personal Devices
- After changing your password, please update it immediately on any personal devices that connect to GVSU email or WiFi (smartphones, tablets, etc.).
- Failure to update the password on your devices may result in a temporary lock of your account. If you suspect your account is locked, please call the IT Service Desk at (616) 331-2101 or turn off your personal devices and wait 20 minutes for the temporary lock to be lifted.
- Information about resetting your password via a personal device can be found at the bottom of this page.
How to Reset Your Faculty/Staff Password
On Campus
Macintosh Users
GVSU Mac users should always change their password before it expires via the Enterprise Connect app installed on their machine:
- Login to your Mac.
- Click on the Enterprise Connect icon in the upper right corner of your screen (it looks like a key with a circle around it).
- Select "Change Password..."
- Enter your old (current) password, then enter your new password and verify it.
- Click "Change Password" and you will receive confirmation that your password has been changed.
- If you are prompted to update your Keychain with the new password, please do so.
- If prompted, be sure to update your password for Email and WiFi.
Windows Users
- Login to your computer.
- Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and select "Change a Password".
- Enter your old password, then enter your new password and confirm it.
- Hit ENTER and you will receive confirmation that your password has been changed.
- If prompted, be sure to update your password for Email and WiFi.
Mobile Devices
- We recommend changing your password via a GVSU computer if you are on campus.
- If that is not practical, please refer to the "Personal Devices" section below.
Off Campus
Macintosh Users
GVSU Mac users should always change their password before it expires via the Enterprise Connect app installed on their machine:
- Login to your Mac.
- Connect to the VPN via Pulse Secure.
- More information about connecting to the VPN can be found here:
- Once you're connected to the VPN, click on the Enterprise Connect icon in the upper right corner of your screen (it looks like a key with a circle around it).
- Select "Change Password..."
- Enter your old (current) password, then enter your new password and verify it.
- Click "Change Password" and you will receive confirmation that your password has been changed.
- If you are prompted to update your Keychain with the new password, please do so.
- If prompted, be sure to update your password for Email and WiFi.
Windows Users
- Log into your computer.
- Make sure DirectAccess is connected: Click on the WiFi symbol in the lower right corner of your screen and verify that the word "Connected" appears under "DirectAccess" at the top of the WiFi menu.
- If it says "Connecting" or is blank underneath DirectAccess, please RESTART your computer and check again once you've signed in. If DirectAccess is still not connecting properly, call the IT Service Desk at (616) 331-2101.
- After verifying that DirectAccess is connected, press CTRL+ALT+DEL and select "Change a Password".
- Enter your old password, then enter your new password and confirm it.
- Hit ENTER and you will receive confirmation that your password has been changed.
- If prompted, be sure to update your password for Email and WiFi.
Personal Devices
NOTE: These steps are NOT recommended for GVSU Mac users unless absolutely necessary. If you reset your password this way, you will still be required to log into your Mac with your previous password until you return the machine to campus. Once on campus you will need to log in while connected to a wired Ethernet connection before the password will sync.
Using the Self-Service Password Reset Webpage
- Open a web browser and navigate to
- Select the "Reset Network Password" option and follow the prompts.